A night of the last winter, after a karmic meeting between Edu and Cosma in a disco of Barcelona, start Bioritmo; both decided to make a trance band and after several tests and experiments, they become to discover and developed their own progressive psychedelic style. Actually they are working on their first album "Photoshynth", it'll be ready soon.
Harware: Acer dual core, Toshiba dual core; Audio: RME Digiface, M-Audio Project Mix; Synth: Roland MC-909 GrooveBox, Roland V-Synth XT, Novation K-Station, Yamaha Dtexpress; OutBoard: Lexicon Mx200, Beheriger Multicom, Phonic EQ, Behringer Ultragain Pro; Monitoring: Krk studio Monitors, Akg 240 Headphone.