HATES- Lairs, CHEATERS, Assholes, Wiggers(select few), BackStabbers, Fakes, SLUTSLIKES- Listening to music, Going to the movies/watching movies, Hanging out with my friends, Going to local shows, And more.....
No One
2)Circa Survive
3)Gym Class Heroes
4)My Children My Bride
5)Fear Before the March of Flames
1)Hence Reverie
2)One Sweet Sorrow
3)Fire in the Eyes of the City
4)Pandoras Music Box
Mayfair, Symphony In Peril,One Dead Three Wounded, The Sounds Of Animals Fighting, When these Days End, Cute Is What We Aim For, The Sandlot, The Acadamy Is, Lil Wayne, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Before I Burn, A Fire In The Eyes of City, Halifax, Veda Skyes, Valencia, From Frist to Last, A Static Lullaby, Bayside, Straylight Run, Armour for Sleep, Haste the day, Chiodos, Senses Fail, GlassJaw, Kayne West, Every Time I Die, Streetcar, Young Jeezy, A Hero From A thousand Paces, Coheed &; Cambria, Say Anything, Yesterday's Rising, Grace Gale, Bury Your Dead, Scary kids Scareing kids, Rise Against, Brand New, Funeral for a Friend, Letter Kills, He is Legend, Mae, Anberlin, A Thorn for Every Heart, Dead Poetic, My American Heart, The Spill Canvas, From Autumn to Ashes, Copeland, The Postal Service, Emery, Alexis on Fire, Boy Sets Fire, Norma Jean, Before I Burn, Bury Your Died, Finding Westerly, The Receiving End of Sirens, Underoath, Sliverstein, Blindside, Amber Pacific, Death Cab for Cutie, Reggie and the Full Effect, Oh the Horror, The Honoary Title, Posion the Well, Carnival Arrest, A Job for A Cowboy, The Used, Blink 182(RIP)... and more to come
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WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? (BEST SHOW EVER), South Park, Home Wrecker, Viva La Bam, The Guantlet, Real world FUCK ROAD RULES, Greys Anatomy and more...
I read them
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