music , pc , ael-ara,sxinaki , pantomima , isoropia me to 1 podi
the one and only Anselmo
NASUM,PANTERA,Dying Fetus,DOWN,Immolation,Suffocation,Hate Eternal,Morbid Angel,Internecine,Hateplow,Nile,Deftones,Six Feet Under,Isis,Cult of Luna,Stampin Ground,Slipknot,Machine Head,Panousis,TOOL,Dillinger Escape Plan,Cephalic Carnage,Circle Of the dead Children,Job for A cowboy,Heaven Shall Burn,Slayer,Earthcrisis,Skinless,Bury Your Dead,Anata,Benediction,Lamb Of God,Coldworker,Pink Floyd kai apeira alla kafrika kai mh
The Godfather
Al Tsantiri
to eat,sef,quick ola sthn teleutaia ekdosi
zuperman,o dimos,o bob o sfougarakis ante kai h ellh pou me antexei