♠I love to hike and play soccer, also I like to write any kind of literature. I also like to read alot.I love sunflowers!!!! I love helping others and doing volunteer work!!
Well I have all ready met the most increidible people and those are all my friends who make my days soo much brighter . thanks you guys!!!!!!!!!!
♠I like any type of music like spanish music,
Hip hop,
rap, I am really open to any type of music if it has a fast beat to it.I love Spanish rock for example RBD and Belinda oH aND THE bEATLES THANKS TO gREG, dAVID AND jASON!!!
♠I like comedy movie and movies based on a true story. Like soccer movies to Dumb and Dumber and Neopoleon Dynamite also KICKING AND SCREAMING. I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!! OH AND THE "BENCHWARMERS"
I watch Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air and THE OFFICE!THANKS TO DAVID!!!
♠I love books like:
Road To Memphis ,Let the circle be, Homecoming,
Dicy's Song
and othe books. I love books about history. Like The "torn thread"and "Thanks to my Mother" and the book Sybil
I 'm a bookworm!!!!
♠Any one who has impacted me in a good way is my hero like my friends, to my family & people who make the world better