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Capt. Obvious

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Whatsa Happenin' Hot Stuff?! Buffy Mullenix (formerly Kawai) here and I guess this is where I put a bit about myself... Hmm, well, I am an aspiring Yo-Yo champ, but I don't own a yo-yo. I love singing into hair brushes while looking in the mirror or even driving, I love finding pennies on teh ground-even better if it's a nickel!, my family, tulips-my fave flower, Adam coming home from deployment soon, bubble baths, 'Xerces'-by the Deftones, our iMac, belgian furniture-particularly bedroom suites/ sets, Grape Nuts, Lucky Charms, four-leaf clovers, cherries, and my wedding ring. I am not a fan of dark chocolate, the BeanTown Red Sox (GO YANKS!), bees, recycling-(I've had enough recycling living abroad to outlast any of you clowns who think you're cool to gather your stupid aluminum cans!),i loathe doing laundry and will try to do anyting to get out of doing it, when the sensor lights in your vehicle go off-quite obnoxious!, Neil Young-FREEEEEEEEEEBIRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!, Mel Gibson, and other trash. I'd like to punch Paris Hilton in the face just because, when people pull the race 'card', dog fighting/ discrimination of breeds, when my contacts come out, losing my keys, runny eggs, when blinkers on cars blink too fast and out of sync, my water bottle being empty-water is my fave drink EVER!!!!!, a dead iPod battery, country music-unless it's rebel country, seeing hole in socks, raunchy breath in AM or PM or EVER!, Dragonforce/Styx/Rush-they annoy onto the serious stuff: I am a wife to the most wonderful man (Adam) anyone could ever ask for. At the moment, he is stationed at Balad AB in Iraq and I miss him w/ more than my heart and soul combined.I am mommie to a gorgeous, bouncing baby boy named Zakk Reilly Mullenix. He'll turn 1 on May 26, 2008. Each day, I see small, new changes in this lil guy and wonder how such a blessing would ever be bestowed upon me. To my Wubby, I say 'Thank You' for helping me to bring our little boy into this big, crazy world that we call 'home'.Currently, we live in Landscheid , Germany, a small (very small) farming community in SW Germany. I love all the green scenery in the spring and summer-it's quite the view! I attended Boise State for a short time and then decided to go to cosmetology school so here I am, six years later, and not really able to do hair for another year and a half-the duration f the rest of our tour here. haha. I can't wait to get back stateside and don't plan on adding to our family until we're closer to the date we head back to the US ,if not while there already.My hubby Adam and son Zakk

Myspace Layouts at / Las Vegas

My Interests

I've got a deep love for all things important to me-haha- Being a wife and Mommie first and foremost! After being on the chunkier side (for myself anyhoo-some thought I looked fine) I have really taken up working out/ running to get my old body back and feel better for myself, so that I can be a good example for my baby. I also love the Nightmare Before Christmas, MUSIC, BBQ, , Greek yogurt, sun, grillin-n-chillin', driving on the Autobahn, driving Adam crazy, Boise State Football, making fun of the Florida Gay-tors, making my family and friends smile. I love the hilarity of life-watching all the contradictions. Movies that mess with my mind. Laughing. Soccer. hair. makeup. =]quote stolen from .:Nicole:. "Reminisce about the days when you were single and the biggest problem you had was whether the 'he' of the moment was going to call. Let the romance of your youth seduce you. Then remember that despite your freedom, all you really wanted was to fall in love and have beautiful babies"

I'd like to meet:

other than my maker, Tim Burton,Dita Von Teese, Russell Mitchell, a hairstylist whom I would feel comfortable with while over here in Doucheland/Deutschland (haha), Dr. Phil, your Mom, cupid (that arrow hurt), Mike Ness, the claims agent handling my car accident (she seems cool), anyone w/ a cool personality who doesn't surround themselves with drama-everyone has their baggage, but if all you wanna do is fight/ talk trash/ etc ALL the time--then peace out.


As always, anything by sublime or Zakk Wylde/ BLS (my son named after the great guitarist/ singer!), Avenged Sevenfold, QOTSA, Authority Zero, Social D- Mike Ness is GRREAT!, Tiger Army, Billy Talent, Radiohead, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, Horrorpops, Deftones, HellYeah, Hendrix, Led Zep, Incubus, CASH, Skynyrd, NIN, Pennywise, Rancid, Shooter Jennings, Rise Against, Stones, SlipKnot, , TOOL, Tenacious D, Weezer, Ted Nugent, Jethro Tull, Jimmy Eat World,and as always SUBLIME!


any comedy that makes me laugh each time I watch it. Don't really have a whole lot of time to watch movies right now though... Big Lebowski, Fear and Loathing in LV, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Boondock Saints, GreenStreet Hooligans, Talledega Nights, Little Miss Sunshine, Napoleon Dynamite, Dumb and Dumber (classic), Anchorman-'I think it means 'a whale's vagina''ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDAny band-live/video DVD that would Rock my socks!


Rescue Me--and---My Name Is Earl-best shows EVER!!!! That '70's Show, The Simpson's


If I need to keep warm, they will come in handy, hehe....


My Mommie, my Daddie (i miss you so much-rip), Dita Von Teese, and of course, my hubby-Adam!. Dr. Phil

My Blog

Tag, you’re it!

tagged ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Once you have been tagged, you must write something containing 10 weird, random things, (facts, habits, etc) about yours...
Posted by Capt. Obvious on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 08:04:00 PST

you wanna resolution? yeah

-*~*~*~*~*Be more creative*~*~*~*~*-let go of miniscule things-don't give up on things that matter to me!-and a few more >:)
Posted by Capt. Obvious on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 04:28:00 PST


For you my crazy, little Wildman. Hey you, you're a child in my head You haven't walked yet Your first words have yet to be said But I swear you'll be blessed I know you're still just a dream Your eye...
Posted by Capt. Obvious on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 05:36:00 PST

labor story- a lil late

I wrote this when I first left the hospital and Zakk was still there for a few weeks*I do want to Thank all of you who've kept me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.Zakk was born Sat May 26, 2...
Posted by Capt. Obvious on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 05:16:00 PST

fishies, donuts , and family

Today, Kari and I got together for lunch and come up with some fun creations for belly art. She's amazing!!!!! I am loving these new pics!!!!! Thank you sooo much for taking the time to do this for me...
Posted by Capt. Obvious on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 10:58:00 PST

28 weeks, 2 days

Kind of a crazy, fun, different day all rolled into one. First off, Happy 50th Birthday Daddie! I love and Miss you with all my heart!I woke up today not realizing it was Friday the 13th- now normally...
Posted by Capt. Obvious on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 03:36:00 PST

23 weeks, 6 days

Another ultrasound today! Yay! Adam was able to go with me this time so I decided to ask the Doc if there was any way for us to let Adam take a peek at his son's "manly-ness" lol. Zakk was asleep the...
Posted by Capt. Obvious on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 12:16:00 PST

12 people and read all please!!!

12 things i will never tell you 1. list some things you would like to say about 12 different ppl but you know you prolly never will.2.dont say who they are.3.feel free to comment but know that most li...
Posted by Capt. Obvious on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:31:00 PST

19 weeks , 3 days

I swear, I have been waiting and waiting and now that I KNOW it's him, I can put my hand on my lower abdomen and feel him move!!! I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me these past few week...
Posted by Capt. Obvious on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 01:45:00 PST

**IT'S A **

myspace layoutWe found out the sex of the baby yesterday, FEb 5, and obviously from above, you can tell it's a BOY. There was no question about it looking at the ultrasound to everyo...
Posted by Capt. Obvious on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 02:34:00 PST