welcome to my life.
my name is beth.
i have green eyes & love them. the most important thing to know about me is that i'm a Christian. i love God & Jesus with a passion (so talk to me about it) and i try to show it in all of my actions.. although sometimes i don't do such a great job of it, i'm trying to fix it. my favorite colors are black and white. i love laughing, and i laugh often. i pretty much constantly smile when i'm around friends. i'm constantly chewing gum.. but no, you can't have a piece. i absolutely hate conflict, so please don't make one with me. i like to debate about stupid stuff that has no point, but once it gets serious i hate it. i run cross-country, and i'm terrible, but i don't care. i sing. it might not be the best, but i do it anyways. i play the piano. i took lessons for 2 years and stopped, but i've taught myself a lot since then. i love to cook. i especially love randomly baking cupcakes for my friends. i believe homemade gift are the best, because they come from the heart. i'm a bit of a nerd. (i like school. i like working. i like learning. & i like getting good grades.) i often find myself wanting to go outside and scream at the top of my lungs, to let off some stress. my friends are amazing. i'm convinced that if it wasn't for them, i would be depressed constantly. my best friend is caylee jean griffin. i practically live at her house, cause i'm there on a regular basis. i love thesauruses because i like to use uncommon words to make myself seem like a clever virtuoso. so teach me some! i like to think i know things, but in reality.. i don't. my secret talent is swing dancing :] i'm a pretty self-conscious person, and i'm fairly healthy. most people hate the about me things, but i actually like them. it gives me a chance to let people know what i want them to know.