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About Me

........ >>>>>>........ >>>>>>>>>>......I started out playing with a band in the basement and made it all the way up to the garage !!!!! Actually the bands name was the Teddy boys which made no sense being we were not Teds nor were we British but we were boys and I was a 50s guy with a liking for some Mersy beat so I thought the name was good until I find the right one. ... Influences ..well whatever good song I am listening to at the time but music is personal and if you try writing to please what you think people want to hear then you will never be true to yourself .Whatever music influences touched my soul thoughout my life does come out in my writing ..all I can say is ..I know what sounds good to me and you make fans with those who hear and feel the same vibe..... When everyone else was listening to the music of the day I was always listening to something else , it was kinda like the lure of the Sirens song leading me further away...maybe I just should not have followed but I did and now I am here...>>>>I like songs written and produced well , Phil Spector "Wall of Sound " Ronettes" is a good example..early Rock & Roll, early country ,swing, Gipsy .also the 1980's had some good music ..but now I am finding myself going back to my roots......look out !!! ..............>>>>> I sometimes feel Like a storm waiting to happen ...or maybe its just the weather.... I don't know but this works well with Rock & Roll and once I harness it ...I Will be preforming in Manhattan and Long Island... I just put this page together and I will be listing more songs of mine as soon as I record them ......stay in tune !!!! .............>>>>>>> Well....I believe in perfection and when this high point is reached I believe the only other way to go is down...You will see things start to loose scope and that is what I observed happing around me since 1960's ,When there is change for change sake and a disregard for quality, aesthetic beauty or common sense....People just started taking everything to the extreme..when was a child I saw it and knew the consequences of it dreading tomorrow...Today people walk around with cell phones attached to there head shutting out the world around them just shuffling along scraping there knuckles along the pavement..Or they sit in front of a computer for hours letting it think for them instead of using there own minds...There becoming out of touch with reality..everything must be fast visuals in there face or they loose attention. constant fake digital visual movement which leaves nothing for the imagination..Look where we are today ,so advanced we use a fake form of reproducing image and sound .but your brain detects the difference whether you know it or not . Celluloid film is real were as digital is an illusion. example when watching a movie today with the most fantastic effects to show the most unimaginable situation, It comes across flat and separated from the full visual image .. instead of it striking an emotion, I find it boring and ineffectual because its false, just microchips before my eyes. Even digital reproduction of sound as in when recording music..It may sound clean and clear so you think its better but there is a loss of full pure tone its warmth there is to much separation .. to me I find recordings on CD's loose effect, sounding washed out ,fake and unstimulating.Just play a vinel record and if you can not hear the difference in what I am saying then never will... I do not call this an advancement in technology. I call it fast food for the senses. People today are sucked in like a vacuum. they seem to love it. This is sad..You need an inner creative spark which comes naturally from necessity ask any inventor but when you reach a Zenith..."DON'T JUMP" stay there.......In my opinion anyway......... the truth may pervail >>>>>> I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests


Member Since: 26/09/2007
Band Website: youtube atomicflash500
Band Members: New song" Piccolo flori" I am playing on Rhythm Guitar , lead and background vocals on both ... hard to do all at once though "..........
Influences: A full Moon.....La mano che obedisce l' entelletto"and any music consisting of good structure ,words ,melody and production.....Early Rock & Roll ,some 80's . I have been influenced by the great producing work of Les Paul, Sam Phillips,Phil Spector,Brian Wilson ,George Martin, Guitar players Scotty Moore ,Django Reinhardt ,Les Paul,Merl Travis, John Lennon ,Beatles,Stevie Ray V, Adriano Celentano ...... and some contemporary !!!.... Sun Studio Memphis Tennessee was very influential to millions of us...and of course Stax studio ...Rebel's with a cause..
Sounds Like: A Meteor Crashhhhhhing !!!!
Record Label: White Heat Records ..songs written by me...
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


It’s great the Dave Clark 5 were inducted into Rock& Roll Hall of fame ..Its  sad the great singer ,somng writer ,orgin player Mike Smith didn’t make it..I liked them just as much...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 00:26:00 GMT

Ike Turner and his "Rocket 88"

..> Ike Turner I was sad hearing of the passing of Ike Turner at the age of 76 ..He was one of the first to record a Rock & Roll type song in 1952 at Sun Studeo Memphis ..the song was "Rocket ...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 20:23:00 GMT

Elvis Presley and his Rock & Roll

..> ..> .. Elvis Presley's Rock & Roll .. So much has been written but with so  little  insight of the man and his music ..there are those who resent Elvis because he is alway contributed to inv...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 15:51:00 GMT

Italia - Croatia WWII MASSACRE !!!

..> Italy-Croatia WWII massacre --> --> --> -->Italy has cancelled an official visit to Croatia following an angry exchange over the massacre of thousands of Italians during World War II. In 1...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 00:18:00 GMT