Vivi-Maria profile picture



About Me

I don't love rainy days anymore.I love independent movies.I secretly watch stupid tv-series.I love coffee.I sleep on my sofa.I'm insecure and actually quite shy.I study Art history at university.I'm bad at math.I like gay guys.I love philosophy.I like walking around in my apartment in my nicest shoes.I hate coffee without milk.I admire no one.I'm stubborn.I like chardonnay.When I'm in love, I mean it.I hardly ever comb my hair.I love the way Chandler can't smile in photos.I hate dating.I like spoiling the "perfect" outfit with something ugly.I LOVE art books.I think I might have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.I love museums and galleries.I think virtual narcism is fascinating and entertaining.I love old trees.I wouldn't like to be able to like everyone, but I would love to be able to love everyone.I never cut my toenails cause they don't grow?.I love sarcasm and irony.I love the fact that some people never fail to make me smile.I have too many sweaters.I love them all.I am a closet-hippie.I love observing people and analyzing my surroundings.I love sitting alone in cafés.I(annoyingly) always have to stir the food when someones cooking.I love getting out of the shower and straight into fresh sheets.I like my fingers.I love the seconds before I fall asleep.I love stroking hair.I like u 2.

My Interests

art&entertainment,friends, music,coffee,dancing,working out,drawing, philosophy,psychology, being by myself,Sleeping if I can...

I'd like to meet:


POC,Björk,Håkan Hellström,Yann Tiersen,Amiina,Sebastien Tellier,Osmo,The Fashion,Michael Jackson,Patrick Watson,Led Zeppelin,Taxi Taxi,zero 7,Lauren Hill,Bob Marley,Simian Mobile Disco,Frou Frou,Tori Amos,Digitalism,Junior Boys,Coldplay,Radiohead,Scandinavian Music Group,Joy Division,Thom Yorke,Air,Gentleman,Jamiroquai,The Cinematic Orchestra,Four Tet,Röyksopp,Sigur Ros,Promoe,Loop Troop,Jay Z,Amy Winehouse,RATM,Kev Brown,Magenta Skycode,Emma Salokoski,Quintessence,Erycah Badu,Goldfrapp,The Cure,The Clash,Imogen Heap,M.I.A.,The Mars Volta,Wolfmother,Justice,Kate Bush,Jeff Buckley,The Queens of The Stone Age,Efterklang,Manu Chao,Bo Kaspers Orkester,Ultra Bra,Rubik,Ozric Tentacles,Mew,Max Richter,Caribou,And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead,The Hives,The White Stripes,The Strokes,Aretha Franklin,Billie Holiday,Frank Sinatra,Prince,Telepopmusik,Markus Perttula...etc....


Ensemble, ces't tout,Two days in paris,Forrest Gump,Shrek,Amelie,A Clockwork Orange,The Science of sleep,The Fountain,The Shining,Control,Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind,Napoleon Dynamite,Prozac Nation etc....


"The art of happiness" by Dalai Lama .. "El Alquemista" and "Zahir" by Paulo Coelho


The ones that step out of the box.