I'd like to meet:
Dont ask me for friendship (add). My friends are chosen and you are surely not one of them.
I am the ALPHA FEMALE, the BEST female wrestler ever and absolutly nobody can
reach my level of competition.
Professional Name:
Alpha Female
Where from:
Height: 5ft 11 inch
1. When did you start wrestling?
I started to wrestle in 2000 in Berlin.
2. What and/or who influenced you most to wrestle?
I really enjoyed to watch WCW then and loved to see wrestlers like Bret Hart,Chris Benoit, Arn Anderson and Dean Malenko. Those were the guys who made me to start with wrestling.
3. How has wrestling changed your life? What is so special about this sport to you?
It didn't really change my life too much. i am and was always the center of attention. Now i just get paid to do it and ,to answer your second question, i get paid to beat little sissy girls up.
4. What other sports or hobbies do you have an interest in?
Well, there is just one more thing i love the most besides wrestling and that is ME.I could do every other sport i want to and would be the best in it but like i said the only thing i love more than wrestling is the Alpha Female.
5. What would you do to make the sport better?
Book me in every show there is in the world. you know: if I'm not on the card the show cant be that good!
6. What are your favorite foods, music, clothes, cars etc.?
I like ice cream. my entrance theme i hear all the day and whatever makes me look good in it, so basically everything, honey!
7. What would make you most happy in life?
Beating up more little sissy girls and a house full of mirrors.
8. Who and what are your fans like?
What do you mean with who??? Everybody loves me. I just don't think that most of them deserve to see my great in ring performance.
9. Describe a typical day of wrestling training for you? What is most important and what are the things you train on most?
Honestly, i don't have to train as much as most of the little sissy girls. some people just have it and I'm one of them. But when i train i train harder than anybody else.
10. What are your best holds, pins, moves? What are you best known for doing?
as the queen i am i would say my devastating finishing move , the queens suplex. But is there any move i cant do better than others? i don't think so.
11. What was the worst you have ever been hurt in training or a match.
i got hurt on my eye and had to stitched and lasered cause another little girl couldn't handle how good i am and assaulted me when i was not ready.
12. Where have you wrestled? What titles have you held?
I wrestled in Africa,Italy, France ,Holland ,Switzerland, Finland,Germany and Austria.is there really any title that is worth to be held by the alpha female?Nothing is more precious than me!!
13. What comments or reaction do you get from others about being a wrestler.
I have to be honest: i don't really listen to the brabbling of other people. the only thing that matters is what i think.
14.In your opinion, what are your thoughts on women participating in the sport?
i think it is great that there is a chance to prove that we are as good as men and sometimes ,only in my case even better than them.
15. What is your greatest regret?
i never regret.I'm always proud of what i do.
16. What is your most marked characteristic?
Most people like me because I'm so humble and understanding.
17. What is your personal motto?
CLASS looks only from downside like arrogance
18. What is your most memorable moment?
showing my greatness in front of 4000 people in Africa. I'm sure they still dream of me.
19. What would you do if you couldn't be in wrestling?
being the best in something else or everything else.
20. How would you describe yourself? ... Attitude, personality, likes, dislikes, strength?
like i said I'm a really humble person, i don't like to talk too much about me but if i have to point something out it would be generosity and my instinct for success.
21. Other comments or information you might want to add?
the alpha female is the strongest force in pro wrestling and if you are one of the unlucky persons who couldn't watch my greatness, do everything in your power to do so or you don't even know what wrestling is.
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