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My loves....God, my kids, music, purple, pizza, Redskins, the way a man smells, the sounds of the ocean, sun on my face, how strong I feel after working out, a deep conversation, a passionate kiss, a big hug, ladybugs, tattoos, clowns, fairies, butterflies, reading a good book, bowling, going to concerts, pedicures, a man's back, bluejeans, Saturday nights, tucking my kids into bed, 4th of July, cooking for friends, jammy pants, Mary Kay makeup, playing the violin, sleeping in late, massages.
Old friends & new friends. Want to chat? I'm at MissEmmyDoodle on yahoo or JustCallMeEmily on aim.
seriously, my tastes are all over the name it, I will love something about it. If I've never heard it, I will respect it and give it a chance.
I don't like hacker horror blood and guts type stuff, other than that I'll watch anything. If I don't like it though I'll fall asleep. I don't mean to, I just can't help it.
Grey's Anatomy, The Class, How I Met Your Mother
I love to read. I plan to make more time to do it. You can never educate yourself enough. I mostly read non fiction, self motivational, self help. that kind of stuff. oh and of course the Bible.