be a violinist
I'd like to meet U! Every person has a different personality - by then i would be able to learn more things!
RnB & Acoustic$
My ToP "10" FaVorIte MoVies1. Moulin Rouge 000-- A true stOry of LOVE overcoming all obstacles! 2. Harry PoTtER 3. Lord Of the RiNgS 4. X-MeN 5. SpIdERmaN 6. MaTrIx 1-2-3 7. Sweetest ThInG 8. PearL HaRbOr 9. TiTaNic 10. 10 thIng$ I HaTe AbOuT U
I Go for - $ex in The CiTy - 6 FeEt UnDeR - FrIEnD$ -
Only the Real Matters -- Francis Kong QBQ -- courtesy of Boss Kevin - he told me to read this book coz i'll learn alot from it
1st - God --For the Gift of Life!2nd - Parents -- For leading me to the right path!3rd - MySelf --For Being Strong in whatEver circumstances life would giVe Me!