~Street Bikes
Vanessa Hudegens & Vanessa Minnillo
LaoRo- mZgRaCe, JAZmin, & Rose
LiL CrAzEd
b0oks ?! and j0sh ?! HAHA' they just d0n`t g0 t0gether .. xD HACKED ! =D 0kie s0 this is Nikki and yea y0u c0uld already tell why i`m here . s0 this guy j0sh . i met him thr0ugh his " g0d - sister " ?! [ 0r s0methin` like that . ] strange isn`t it ?! HAHA' well yea .. this guy is s0 much fun t0 talk t0 . =] and i talk t0 this d0ode 0n AIM like alm0st all the time . xD and he`s my AIM buddy . =] [ he just d0esn`t kn0w it yet .. ;D ] well what else .. ? i can tell this guy practically anything . =] he`s g0od listener . and what else ?! 0h and i kn0w i like b0ba m0re than he d0es . HAHA' AND ! it`s all ab0ut PIKACHU .. i dunn0 what he`s talkin` `b0ut ! xD that 0ther p0kem0n is meeeaaaaaannnnn ! xP well that`s ab0ut it f0r me .. i`m d0ne . peace . Nikki [♥]