Commercial agencies SEEKING photographic images:
My specialties, desires, and current photographic catagories are:
Sunsets/Landscapes/Buildings & Structures/People Working & Playing/CU-MACRO photography/Animals, Dogs, Wildlife, Insects, etc.
I currently shoot NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY on a freelance basis (1995-current).
I am also proficient & passionate about operating TV PRODUCTION/studio cameras: Camera Operator & FI Production Crew supervisor @ PBS (1997-2003); Camera Operator @ TBS (1995-1999).
I am a "WIZ" at PHOTO EDITING. Send me your digital photo and I can edit/crop/enhance/touch up/remove unwanted items and/or flaws/& make it special just for you. Your digital photograph wil be returned via e-mail (just as it was sent to me(via e-mail)). NO professional/and/or copyrighted images without written permission of the photographer. Please send me your personal or non-copyrighted images to: [email protected]. I acccept Paypal payments/checks/money orders. Currently, I ONLY charge the the SAME, nominal, fee for ALL editing proceedures (for unlimited editing)per 1 photo. Take advantage of this limited time offer. Send a nominal Paypal payment of $20.00 to [email protected] for 1 unlimited edited photograph.
Most of my animal advocacy videos and information has been accidentally deleted. Please be patient while I work on building new information! Meanwhile, see this note:
I am on a MISSION to SAVE tortured DOGS, CATS & RACCOONS.
I am currently on a MISSION to save severely tortured animals. Did you know that DOGS, CATS and RACOONS are skinned alive for their FURS in CHINA and KOREA? I personally watched a raccoon sit up and look at a camera after being completely SKINNED. The CHINESE AND KOREANS also EAT DOGS & CATS. But first, they torture them for as long as possible because the Chinese claim dog "meat" is tastier when "adrenaline" runs through their bodies as long as possible. I can't sleep at night. I MUST make a difference.
Please join me and educated your self by visiting, Your, and viewing the following videos with caution:
China Fur Trade
UNITED STATES Fur trade/Fox farms for FUR COATS & Trim
This RACCOON will LOOK into the CAMERA AFTER being skinned alive, PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO WITH CAUTION and DO NOT let any CHILDREN watch.
JoAnne Grace