MICHEAL, I love you. You are everything i ever could have asked for. You are my knight in shining armor and i cant wait to see what happens between us. you are there all the time, even when i am bitchy. I can depend on you to answer your phone and to pry words from me that i dont know how to say. when all else fails, you are still my best friend.HEATHER, no matter where life takes me, i know that we'll be cool. we can go a year without talking and laugh like its nothing. i know i can depend on you when i need you. Also, i know you for real have my back when its all said and done.IMPAULA, I have had some of the best memories with you. i wouldnt trade freshman year for anything. we used to be so close and i only hope that one day it goes back to that. We make each other laugh and you never know what to expect.My COUSINS, i love you all so much. even though you all are so gross, i still have to be related to you. I am a tomboy from being raised with you all and i am so glad that we have all stayed connected over the years. I couldnt have better brothers.CALEB, what would i do without you. our friendship boomed from nowhere. We grew so quick. I know that distance wont keep us apart and you've proven that you will take on the world with me. Thanks for not forgetting about me.BRYAN, I miss you all the time and the memories that we've shared. Just because i dont always call doesnt mean that i dont think about you. we always have a great time together and i know that you are a lifelong friend.KRYSTIN, i dont know what to say about you right now. i tried to fix things but i guess it didnt work out. its a shame though...be careful with yourself and I'll be seeing you...
L Luxurious
E Emotional
A Adventurous
H Happy
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Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.comlover>
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
Everyone may make fun of him but Keanna Reeves is gorgious!
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Butterfly love
..My favorite types of music are basically a lot of rock but i HATE unnessasary screaming. but i love anything with a good beat and extra good lyrics. Distrurbed is by far my favorite though. oh but like every other chick, i like all the sweet junk that comes out of the bad boys' mouths. Pantera and Godsmack kick ass too! But for Kdawg, he can't tell the differnce between Pantera and Drowning Pool anyway lol.flaw> ..
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
i'm a comedy chick... but i gotta say, i'm like every other chick and i have to have my chick flicks in every once and awhile. But scary movies are awesome too. I love never knowing what's going to happen in both movies and everyday life.long quiz>..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
Really Long Survey (over 200)
What is your name?: Leah
Are you named after anyone?: well, i have a part of my dad's middle name and my middle name is after my mom
What's your screename?: to be honest, i have no idea
Would you name a child of yours after you?: no, there can only be one Leah! The world can barely handle this one
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: ummm.... how should i know?
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: umm.... none of my friends have names that i really like. NO OFFENSE TO THEM!
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: yeah! Like they'll say Lee or like princess leah junk
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: of course! My name is too freakin common
Your gender:: hmm... let me think about that... duh! Chickish
Straight/Gay/Bi:: proudly straight
Single?: nope and im glad
If not, do you want to be?: no b/c im content with where im at and im happy
Birthdate:: im young for my age so my b-day's in august but i hate my b-day
Your age:: 15 beotch!
Age you act:: lol... depends. Sometimes i can act like i'm 17 or 18 but at other times i can seem just like im 12
Age you wish you were:: 18 so i could get out of the house and grow up on my own
Your height:: i think like 5'4
Eye color:: a honey color
Happy with it?: sure, i think theyre kinda pretty for a brown
Hair color:: brown again
Happy with it?: yeah b/c i wouldnt look right as a blonde
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: wait... right
Your living arrangement:: either comforatably or in a house; i cant tell what ur askin?
Your family:: a mom, a dad, and a younger brother and an older brother
Have any pets?: oodles of fish and my Callie
Whats your job?: lol. im an ice-cream dipper
Piercings?: ears but that'll all change in a few years
Tattoos?: nope, but i want three of'em
Obsessions?: hmm, writing is a giveaway and i guess singing. Cant go wrong there
Addictions?: biting my nails
Do you speak another language?: no but that would be freakin awesome!
Have a favorite quote?: yep "good things are worth waiting for"
Do you have a webpage?: whats that? And im being serious
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: i try to but as clumsy as i am it always gets ruined somehow
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: oh yeah, i take a lot of shit that i really shouldnt
Do you have any secrets?: who doesnt
Do you hate yourself?: i wouldnt say that i hate myself, but i would change alot of things about me if i could
Do you like your handwriting?: name a chick who does
Do you have any bad habits?: lol. biting my nails, speaking before i think about it, and i know this sounds weird but i like to rub my nose on basically anything
What is the compliment you get from most people?: that im a good listener
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: prolly "Hope"
What's your biggest fear?: never finding that someone that i'm supposed to live the rest of my life with
Can you sing?: people tell me i can
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: i'm not gonna lie, yeah
Are you a loner?: i am if im not comforatable arounf the people
What are your ..1 priorities in life?: to help as many people out as i can and be there for them
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: i would trust me, but i cant say that i would hang out w/ me
Are you a daredevil?: depends on my mood and if im sober
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: oh yeah, i hate that i am the jealous type and that i have a hard time defending myself
Are you passive or agressive?: umm, i dont know what they mean?
Do you have a journal?: yeah, like 10 of'em
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: greatest strength= i'm strong emotionally for a chick; weaknesses= i get scared a lot
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: personality wise, that i could be more outgoing, but physically, i would change my arms
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: yeah, i do
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: oh yeah but im not going into detail
Do you think life has been good so far?: its had its up and downs
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: that you cant give up
What do you like the most about your body?: i like my eyes, i never have to get up 20 minutes early just to fix it and i dont have to worry about them getting fat
And least?: my arms and possibly my thighs
Do you think you are good looking?: i think im cute but thats it
Are you confident?: around SOME people
What is the fictional character you are most like?: hmm... i dont know. Oh wait! My buddy Mikey tells me that i remind him of Pocahauntus
Are you perceived wrongly?: People judge me before they know me all the time
Do You...
Smoke?: nope, but i have tried it and i thought it was gay
Do drugs?: nope
Read the newspaper?: nay
Pray?: i pray when i have a problem or when i'm thankful for something that im in fear of losing
Go to church?: once a year
Talk to strangers who IM you?: i dont hav im
Sleep with stuffed animals?: a few of them that were given to me by dudes
Take walks in the rain?: yeah, i think its kinda cute
Talk to people even though you hate them?: all the freakin time
Drive?: i have before!
Like to drive fast?: of course
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: everyone makes fun of me for my sound effects!
Hurt yourself?: yeah, but not purposly
Been out of the country?: no, but i want to go anywhere and everywhere
Eaten something that made other people sick?: i cant remember but im sure i have
Been in love?: .....sadly
Done drugs?: .....sadly
Gone skinny dipping?: lol.....sadly
Had a medical emergency?: oh yeah, ive had to get stitches and they freakin hurt
Had surgery?: no thank god
Ran away from home?: yep
Played strip poker?: lol, m-a-y-b-e
Gotten beaten up?: nope
Beaten someone up?: no but i wish i would have sometimes
Been picked on?: ... yeah
Been on stage?: yeah
Slept outdoors?: dude i freakin love the outdoors!
Thought about suicide?: as a teenager, i think everyone has at least thought about it
Pulled an all nighter?: yep, 10 hours on the phone baby!
If yes, what is your record?: i've stayed up all night before
Gone one day without food?: yeah.... no comment
Talked on the phone all night?: like i said, 10 hours is good enough for me
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: uh huh
Slept all day?: i love to sleep so yeah
Killed someone?: yeah thats a stupid questiona nd if anyone answers yes then they deserve to be shot
Made out with a stranger?: ..... i dont think so
Had sex with a stranger?: no
Thought you're going crazy?: lol pick a day
Kissed the same sex?: does that really matter?
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: i plead the 5th
Been betrayed?: havent we all
Had a dream that came true?: im living in one
Broken the law?: lol yeah, and aint if funny how those turn out to be the best memories
Met a famous person?: i've met a lot of famous people
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: yep
On purpose?: do ants, spiders, crickets, or junk like that count?
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: yeah, im not gonna lie
Stolen anything?: lol, when i was little and stupid i stole a reese cup and a watch
Been on radio/tv?: i've been on t.v.
Been in a mosh-pit?: i could sleep there and not have a problem with it
Had a nervous breakdown?: a handful of times
Bungee jumped?: no but that would be so cool!
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yeah, i call them my fears
Belive in life on other planets?: yeah, i dont think that we could be the only things out there. Thats a selfish way to look at it
Miracles?: simple ones yes. Like, to me, the birth of a baby is a miracle
Astrology?: not really
Magic?: simple magic, like love or seasons and junk like that
God?: yep
Satan?: i dont know about that one
Santa?: yep and i sit on his lap every year. he says i can be his helper
Ghosts?: yeah and it scares me sometimes, but its all good because i like to scare myself
Luck?: how do you think people get famous?
Love at first sight?: kinda
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: yeah, b/c things would never get better if they were never bad
Witches?: kinda
Easter bunny?: lol, everyone thinks that im the easter bunny
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: yeah if you love somebody and they love you
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: i think thats just a hopeful way of thinkin about things
Do you wish on stars?: yeah and sometimes they come true, and sometimes they dont
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: i believe that if you go to heaven, you're a descent person and if you go to hell, you've done some fucked up shit in your life
Do you think God has a gender?: i've never really thought about it?
Do you believe in organized religion?: no, i think that everyone believes in something different. for example, im catholic, but i believe in junk from other religions too, and theres some catholic junk that i dont.
Where do you think we go when we die?: wherever you belong
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: yeah, f.c. is loaded with'em
Who is your best friend?: i have a lot of really close friends, but my closest are Mikey, Micheal, krystin, and Amanda
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Mikey, there isnt anyone else even close
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: i had a hard time with high school drama freshmen year and someone told me that i wasnt gonna see their face 5 years from now so it doesnt matter
Your favourite inside joke?:
Thing you're picked on most about?: THERES TOO MANY!
Who's your longest known friend?: my buddy Heather probably
Newest?: the people i met this year i guess
Shyest?: probably nabeel
Funniest?: thats gonna go to Mikey, Micheal, or Paula probably
Sweetest?: I'm gonna go with Lee b/c he's the sweetest dude i know
Closest?: Mikey, even though we dont talk that much anymore, he's still always gonna be there
Weirdest?: lol, that goes to Krystin
Smartest?: none of my friends are really smart
Ditziest?: Krystin without a doubt
Friends you miss being close to the most?: Mikey
Last person you talked to online?: i think it was prolly Micheal
Who do you talk to most online?: probably Micheal and i've been talkin to Kurt a lot lately
Who are you on the phone with most?: Micheal lol
Who do you trust most?: thats a few people but like i said, Mikey
Who listens to your problems?: Micheal, Mikey, Krystin, Amanda, and anyone who asks. i'm not gonna just tell you my probems. i dont work like that
Who do you fight most with?: prolly Mikey lol
Who's the nicest?: they're all nice in their own little way
Who's the most outgoing?: they're all outgoing in their own little way
Who's the best singer?: hmmm.... i like the way Lee sings
Who's on your shit-list?: lol, what?
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: thats a wee bit personal dont ya think?
Who's your second family?: Heather's family probably
Do you always feel understood?: i never really feel understood
Who's the loudest friend?: they can all be pretty loud
Do you trust others easily?: thats a definant no
Who's house were you last at?: heather's, but since she lives up the street, i'd have to say Micheal's
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: lol, Micheal's or Mikey's
Do your friends know you?: some of them do; other's just think they do
Friend that lives farthest away:: hmm, they're all pretty close
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: no, but when it doesnt work out it feels that way, but true love is somethin ya cant go wrong with
What do you find romantic?: the night, candles, beaches, surprises, and things like lookin in their eyes is romantic enough for me
Turn-on?: lol, brittish, mohawks, forearms (dont ask) and height. i dont do the whole shorter than me thing
Turn-off?: i cant stand assholes
First kiss?: I think i was 12 and it was under my patio
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: i would tell them how i feel about it, which would be that i felt bad for feeling that way but it's not like i could change it
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: i'd much rather know you really well before i date you b/c i dont want to waste time on somethin stupid
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: no, i like it the way it is now!
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv: yeah... lol, an old ex b/f
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: some of them
What is best about the opposite sex?: it seems like they understand where you're coming from better and they dont start a lot of drama
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: when they cheat and lie
What's the last present someone gave you?: when Micheal bought me my Disturbed tribute cd
Are you in love?: ... no yet, but it could get that way with time
Do you consider your significant other hot?: lol, when he wears certain things, but he's always adorable to me
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: umm, i dont understand that one
You wanted to kill?: i've never wanted to kill anyone dang
That you laughed at?: prolly Micheal; he's stupid sometimes
That laughed at you?: prolly Micheal; i'm stupid sometimes
That turned you on?: lol, Micheal
You went shopping with?: lol! Micheal!
That broke your heart?: uh... let's not go there
To disappoint you?: a few people, but they know who they are
To ask you out?: lol, Micheal, but even now people still try to mess with me
To make you cry?: these bitches in my 7th period, my mom, and Micheal but he didnt mean to
To brighten up your day?: Micheal and Bubby
That you thought about?: i really couldnt tell ya that one now could i?
You saw a movie with?: wow, that was back in the day, but Micheal, Krystin, and her buddy Scott
You talked to on the phone?: i believe it was Micheal. lol. Man, i didnt realize i talked to him so much
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: lol, Micheal
You saw?: Heather was just here!
You lost?: ..... Mikey.
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: huh?
Will it be with your significant other?: i go out with Micheal. I'm confused!
Or some random person?: i'm still w/ Micheal
What are you wearing right now?: lol! Thats a little personal and sexual at the same time
Body part you're touching right now:: lol!
What are you worried about right now?: that i am gonna sound like the biggest perve ever
What book are you reading?: i prefer not to
What's on your mousepad?: blackness....
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: confused, happy, aggravated, playful, and tired all at the same time!
Are you bored?: no, this is keepin me entertained
Are you tired?: i just said that
Are you talking to anyone online?: no b/c this takes so freakin long
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: nope, my phone doesnt know how to do that
Are you lonely or content?: content all the way
Are you listening to music?: for once, no
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music videos... what more do you want? i was addicted to rock of love lol. I think American idol gets interesting too because it gives everyone an opportunity to follow their dreams.
I LOVE THE NOTEBOOK! I think i've watched that movie 30 times and i've even read the book, and i'm not a reading kind of girl. And i love to read anything poetic.
the people who have stood beside me when i thought they would turn the other way. they're the ones who have surprised me the most.why dudes like me>
what makes a guy want you by jessica610
your name
he thinks your his dream girl
he feels like he wants you
he loves you
he wants your ass
hes driven by your eyes smile and white teeth?
he feels like he cant breathe when he comes near you, he cant live if you arent with him, and he wants to hold you forever more
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