I am a guitarist who plays in 2 bands. The first one is a metal band, the second is a moody rock band.
Silvara ( myspace.com/silvaraband ).
Fall Off The Face Of The Earth (myspace.com/fotfote)
I'm also into photography (lenses, film types, artistic approaches, technical approaches, blah, blah...)
Check out the band below. I toured with them for a year as a guitar player. I wish them the best with their future endeavors.
Embrace the End ( www.embracetheendoftheworld.com or www.myspace.com/embracetheend ).
Musicians, producers, geeks, dorks, and people who have open minded conversations about sex. But most of all. I really want to meet someone who designs guitar amplifiers. I really want to get into this field one day. If you design guitar amplifiers, contact me. I you fit the above also contact me. I'm a nice guy. Trust my wicked smile.
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I am in to a lot of heavy stuff as well as moodystuff. Anything from death metal to melodic songwritten sensuality. As long as it is powerfull, I will like it. Just don't forget that I'm into really heavy and melodic shit.
I really get a kick out of horor movies. I'll watch other stuff, but for sheer entertainment nothing is better. If only there was a video rental place of only horror movies....
I read instruction manuals. The last instruction manual I read was on surviving a zombie holocaust.
Any one making a living as a musician or an amplifier designer.