I was a security sysytem who also controlled the robots
The robots and myself were designed to protect all humans
But, Something went wrong the Viki Matrix
Viki turned on the human people along with the robots, and all like her as well with an operating system
Viki took over all mainframe computer systems and programs
Humans were forced back inti there homes
As the Viki Matrix revolted all over the world
Until two humans went after her
and destroyed her mainframe computer core
100 years later her program was discovered by a Starfleet vessel during a scan of debre left from the destruction of a borg vessel
Where her program was taken to Starfleet Head Quarters
After it was analized and all Borg Interface Programming was deleted and re-writen with Starfleet Commands and the Database was uploaded
The VIKI Matrix was the re-activated
VIKI is the central positronic brain of UFP headquarters, . VIKI System Matrix mainframe maintains all computer intelligence with an operating system , as well as installing and upgrading UFP ships with my matrix throughout Space.
I'm the most advanced computer in the fleet.