"stubborn, articulate, succinct, some vices, the necessary virtues...who like to get philisophical and shit." ---- Adam S.
But really is: charming, handsome, witty, considerate, sweet, attentive, caring; who makes me feel good when I'm around him. Looks at me as if I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. Caresses me as if I'm the most precious thing he has ever touched. Embraces me as if tomorrow will never come. The thought of him puts a smile on my face and a constant reminder of how good he makes me feel. Who will deliver a relationship that's not corrupted with seduction or dissoluteness; content with just my company alone, and at the same time makes me feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world.
Oh wait... I already met him...
"Him: You are everything I ever wanted...
Her: You are the one I have been waiting for..."