killing Zombies, listening to music, watching horror movies(ZOMBIE movies), going to shows when i can, playing with my dog...sleeeeping..........zzzzZZZZzzZZZzz....
anyone, or if your my friend and i havent talked to you in a while. aim me@ destroy1428
poison the well, straight faced, strife, stretch armstrong, walls of jericho, the movie life, ill nino, coalesce, all out war, atreyu, hatebreed, earth crisis, deicide, from autumn to ashes, buried alive, terror, days from waking, the exploited, misfits, crass, black flag, the ramones, sexpistols, jets to brazil, modest mouse, reggie and T.F.E., TGKs and other shit that i cant think of right of the top of my head
i've got like a hundred horror movies that i love so im not going to sit here and write a bunch of crap no one's going to read, but if you really want to know ask me.
hmm....i guess the weather channel to see if florida is going to get another ass-reaming. other than that not really.
none.. im in school now.. textbooks suck ass
..mike tyson is my hero because he's a crazy-ass son of a bitch, that'll eat your ear if you fuck with him.. hahahaha.. and yes i know he lost recently, but that doesnt make him any less crazier, and yes he will whoop your ass if you fuck with what you got now kieth?!?