NERO is :
Joao de Menezes Nero.
Nero is born and living in Portugal (Lisbon)
and he has been making music for 12 years.
At 11 years Old Nero started to play the Guitar, he had some classes for 2 years and with 13 years old ,started his first rock band, where he played till 15 years old.
At this time, Nero gets into school and starts to have the first contact with electronic music, working with basic programs of music production. Later on Nero started to work with the "Reason" program, making his first experiences and using the program as Drumbox, recording all the melody with instruments like: Guitar,Bass, Banjo,Bongos etc...
Later, he progressed to work with Synthesizers and making Hip-Hop Melody's. At that time, Nero had a great interest in ITF (Scratching) and together with a friend they start to make some Hip-Hop lyrics and composing original Tracks.
During this time Nero acquired stage experience and learnt to play other instruments like, Acordeon and Acoustic bass.
In 2001 Nero got into African Percussion Classes and start to play in various events and festivals around Portugal, making him more familiar with stage presence.
During this time, Nero never stopped to work with electronic music and started to experiment with his first Trance Tracks. Because the complexity of the Trance production, Nero is forced to gain more knowledge about the synthesizer and starts to work with "Ableton Live" and 4 years ago with "Cubase" programmes.
Nero has played in some private partys but never have been in love for djing as his real love is to make live acts.
His influences are; Full on and Dark but he don't deny the love for his own funny and dance party sounds as can you can hear in his tracks and samplers.
Looking for his own music realization as it his passion, he is always looking for a more elevated music production because is a perfectionist.
In 2007 Nero met Fred from Trance Moon/Lua Records in Spain and in 2008 Nero Record his first EP for L.U.A Records:
NERO EP "Psychotic Romaniac"
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