Anime,Art,Dragons, Writing, Paintball, Biking, Cars, Chess, the Sun wen it's ferst rising, Bick/Zipo lightors, Lisening to all musick and finding the meaning
Everyone I gus but relly I couldent care less =) sry just the way it is
Cant relly say sher I watch them but I dont git raped up in it.
Almost all anime
Naruto, Chobits, A.I. love you, (Romance/Comitty/Fantisy) And more
Im not relly sher, what I do know is the people that are not my heros are thows who give up or just dont care weathor its for themselvs or outhers. It may seam at times that I may not care or may be inconsitterit but I just dont like dealing with stupid shit.(Forgive me for that last bit piz)