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About Me

Hey we're StakeOut an upcoming Pop Rock band from Birmingham UK, check us out and drop us a comment.

For booking and all other business inquiries, please contact us at:
Birmingham Mail
"Local Heroes StakeOut!"
BRMB Radio Station
"Very young band with the potential to be extremely big in the future. Excellent drumming, good vocals and good at adapting mood on stage to song performance."
Battle of the Bands 08
"Really quite tight with good use of vocal harmonies. Played together well & obviously rehearsed. Confident & energetic with a good stage presence."
To receive a FREE copy of our e.p, add us on facebook then suggest us to all your friends, once you've done this message us with your email address and we'll send you a free copy of our latest e.p 'Nothings Perfect' Remember to suggest us to all of your friends first!!
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My Interests


Member Since: 25/09/2007

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28/12/09-Stratford Herald

Opening the evening was 4 piece Redditch based ‘StakeOut’. With possibly the best entrance of the entire competition, their set began slightly ‘poppy’ but gradually progressed to a bit rockier with heavier guitars. With strong catchy songs, especially with the opening song of ’Let me tell you what I’m thinking’ and a huge power behind the vocals of the lead singer, the standards of the Bands in this years competition had massively improved. The vocals of the lead singer were possibly some of the best vocals of the Competition so far. StakeOut had a dynamic to them which got themselves and the audiences motivated. Sometimes, an air of cockiness is felt with young bands, but these lads seemed genuine and passionate, which was echoed especially in the powerful and emotional ‘Nothings Perfect’. They were definitely crowd pleasers.

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Summer 2009

Well, its been a while since we last did one of these, and seeing as exams are now over, thought i would share the recent going ons with you, (whoever you are) Going back a few months we had an a...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 11:56:00 GMT


Hey peeps,We have recently brought out 4 new songs, we are hoping (fingers crossed) to get 2 (or 3 if were lucky) recorded this summer. Once there recorded were looking to get them put out on itunes f...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 08:31:00 GMT

Barfly + Tardebigge

Well, it's been a hell of a long weekend, we've had two very different gigs tbh. Last friday we had a gig at the Barfly in Brum, which was really fun, gave me (lee) and scott a chance to get all over ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 13:24:00 GMT

2009 Update

Hey, Well its been a long time since we posted a blog on here so start of the year seems a good time to do so. Well where to start, we have a new Myspace address and layout design; but obviously you k...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jan 2009 21:13:00 GMT

Coxs Yard/ 1st October

Hey, Well as some of you know we played Cox's Yard on wednesday (1st October); To some it up, it was immense; the crowd were amazing! Non stop mosh pits and people crowd surfing; by the far the best g...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 02:14:00 GMT


Ok, this is our first proper blog, well where to start lots has been happening in the past few months, been in battle of the bands n' all and had various gigs around Redditch. We managed to earn enoug...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 06:14:00 GMT