marie profile picture



About Me

aBouT mE..[^friendly^]..[^LaF 3p^]..[^LovE gOd n mY fAmiLy^]..[^oNLy child^][iLovemY fRiends^]..[^cAring Person^]..[^mALambiNg^]..[^nUrsIng Student^]..[^i sTudY hard^]..[^sHopPing is mY paSsioN^]..[^i eNjoY going oUt on Fri or sAt nYts^]..[^i dRinK and sMoke moderately]..[ bLue o!].. [^cOfFee eSp. StrbuCks^]..[^kIkaY sTuffS^]..[^Love sTars n cOLor bLue^]..[^iPoD viDeo..:)^][^wAtchiNg movies^]..[^LOvEs waTching houSe n grEy's anatoMy^][^I LovE cOLLecting bAgs and jAckets^].. [^sLippErs^]..[^i hAtereading books buT I hAve to!!^].. [^tExt aDdict..:)^].. [^eAtiNg pasta npizza..:)^]..[ LovEs sBarro n cPk:)].. [^gOing to tHe mall^]..[^I hAtE iRrEsponsible pEopLe^]..[^niKe^]..[^bAyo^]..[^kAmisEta^][^iNtErnEt^]..[^i cOLLecT aCceSsoriEs^].. [^n70:_)]^.. [^boWLing @eAstwood^]..[^dUties @hospiTaLs^].. [^difFerenT sHifTs:c^]..[^eStBLishiNg rAppOrt w/pAtients^]..[^vital signs!hEhe^]..[^dUtYuniform:0^]..[^dOn€™t mess uP with mY friends^]..[^I€™m singlenOw..eNjOyiNg eVerY pArt oF it wTh no RestrictiOns @ oL^]..[^iM ahArdwOrkiNg pErson^]..[^i kNow mY Limitations^]..[^tRynG 2b a betterpErson noW^].. [^i'm a StronGer pErsoN now^].. [^mAtuRe^][mY gOaL is to be a fUTuRe nUrSe sOmedaY][siMpLy mE..] mAriE..^[]:) visiT ds!!mwah stripes layout @ HOT

My Interests


*rNb*, *HOusE*, *dReamsounds


*iF oNLy*.. *sWeEtEsT thNg*.. *jUst mArRieD*.. *mOnstEr in Law*.. *fAiLurE to LauncH*.. *jUsT mY LucK**.. pErFeCt mAn**.. pRinCe n mE*.. *chEaPer bY d DoZen*..


**sHows sa e.T.c., stAr moVies, ciNemaX and hBo,,**


*aLL nuRsing books esP. medicAl surgicAL*:)