Please allow me to introduce Mr. Mark Williams, better known to his fans -and to those who consider themselves his critics-as Marco UnderSong. But first a bit of digression:If one were to trace the evolution of rock-based pop culture, from the streets to the stars, one would find, there among the otherworldly luminaries and force-of-nature personalities, the "casualtites". (Casualities here defined as those who didn't make it to the "topper-most of the popper-most".) And, if one takes the time, if one makes a little effort, among those labeled as such, one can find those better deemed "survivors". Marco has not reached the place where his name is a household term (not yet, anyway). Still, one cannot think of him as a "casualty". But a survivor he most assuredly is...
He has been involved with the contemporary rock music scene since the late '70s, his earliest endeavors inspired by the heady energy of the expolsive arrival of "punk" in San Francisco. After the Pistols walked off the stage permanently (unwilling to consider the possibilities of success) and after The Clash made a compromise with celebrity (reasonable though the compromise was, still a compromise is was), much of the impetus of the movement ceased. Or, so it was perceived by the easily jaded punk press.
Still, this "end of punk" did not affect countless other musicians. Keeping one foot firmly planted in punk sensibility, Marco explored other avenues of expression, becoming one of the earliest rockers to embrace the premises of what would come to be called "Goth". Moving from playing warehouses to headlining major movement venues of the Bay Area, he developed an ever more dramatic stage persona.
In 1994, Marco crash-landed in Seattle amidst the then burgeoning "grunge"scene. He quickly made himself known: the local underground "Darkwave/Goth/Industrial" movement was affected by both his serious lyricism and his "art rock" approach to performance. Eventually, Marco found himself a member of Black Atmosphere, touring the U.S. in support of their second album, Enrapture. He helped broaden the band's base as co-writer of the European hit single, "Maid of Athens", which, as you should know, also featured his lead vocals.
"Good songs exist outside of fashion. I have somehow managed to write, play, and record and remain relatively uninfluenced by whatever was envogue. Regardless, I have always been treated with respect by my more famous contemporaries." Marco also believes that he would be remiss in his obligations if he did not admit that "I find the prospect of present-day stardom uncomfortable; I'd rather be Dylan Thomas than Axl Rose."
And I would be remiss in my obligations if I did not tie all of this in with Marco's current project: Joyeux Garde, his first solo album. This set of songs, of mood pieces, that reflects his varied influences, although touches of mid-'60s Beatles and early '70s Stones, do nothing to obscure the music's punky feel nor it's Gothic mood. His born-again desire to take the next step in an already adventurous career, Joyeux Garde is an aural and visual display of the mature abilities of a Gothic Renaissance Man: songwriter, musician, singer, arranger, producer, and costume and set designer.
Neal Umphred (Author of the original Goldmine Price Guides for Record Collectors)
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