FAKE FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
REAL FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "Bitch drink the rest of that you know we don't waste."I remember times I had
Some were happy, some were sad,
Memories me and my partners in crime
Throwing up a thousand times,
I got through it, I feel fine
I went to school and did my time,
In a sense I’m out, in a sense I’m free
To be what I wanna be,
Fun was cartoons saturdays,
Fun was staying up past eight,
Lame was tring to fit in,
Lame was the wrong crowd let me it,
You gotta stick together,
With who you are and who you know,
You gotta remember,
Where you’ve been and where you wanna go
I never did homework after school,
Did all the things I thought were cool,
Went out every friday night,
I still do and I’m alright.
(mxpx, doing time)my name is jesse and i was born and raised in the south. i love my car and girls, my car may not be the fastes thing in the world but i love it, i also love movies and music one of my favorite movies is ancorman (i know what you mean, this morninig i shit a squirl, i mean it, i shit a squirl, hell of it is i have a shit covered squirl running around my office and i don't know what to name it. Sorry champ i ate your chocolate squirl). I love football, my team is Georgia Bulldogs"