A7 RecordsA7 Records, is a new label from the artist AubreyThe label is being distributed by the CHICAGO based digital download
and promotion company GROOVESOURCE.The first release in OCTOBER 2007 is a best of double LP called
DREAMS OF TOMORROW after the track with the same name of LEFTFIELD'S,
OFFSHOOT label..The LP features some rare tracks such as the classic SHIMMER which was used by,
DERRICK MAY on the SONY MIX UP SERIES.FALLEN ANGEL from the JAPANESE label SUBLIME, and many other gems, such as the
classic MARATHON and deeper tracks like DAWN OVER THE BLUE PLANET which was only
released on the CD VERSION OF THE LIQUID FUNK LP ON OFFSHOOT.And with remix collaborations with such legends like THE PRINCE OF DANCE MUSIC(NU GROOVE) in the pipeline this will be one label to watch.Aubrey says for this label I want to showcase the real underground and keep things
dark and strange with no rules of what we release, if it works then we will release it,
and all demos will be welcome.For more info on AUBREY please visit,www.myspace.com/allenalienwww.myspace.com/aubreysolidg
sFor all dj and live work contact COLIN DALE@ WILDLIFE AM