The Order
~ of the ~
Knights Templars
~ of the ~
Templi Secretum
(The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon / Pauperes Commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici)
Let us take a moment and explain to you what the OKTTS is not.
1.) The OKTTS is not a "charitable" organization. While there are many worthy causes that Knights Templars Commandery's and Freemasons assign themselves too, the OKTTS goes above and beyond the bounds of simple fund-raising.
2.) The OKTTS is not a playful re-enactment club. While there is a definite time and place for fun, frivolity and humor, dressing up like soldiers, monks, maidens and commoners in period costumes of 900 years ago is not within the agenda of the OKTTS.
3.) The OKTTS is not for the weak willed, not for the weak-at-heart, and not for the faint-hearted.
4.) The OKTTS is not a do-nothing, sit-on-their-hands organization that just talks about what should be done and how things ought to be.
5.) The OKTTS is no joke or laughing matter. The Knights of the OKTTS did not make this MySpace page just to make us feel all good & fuzzy & warm. This page was made for one reason only - TO ACCOMPLISH OUR NOBLE & HONORABLE GOALS.
That being said, let us now explain what the OKTTS is.
1.) The OKTTS is an international organization dedicated and committed to the protection & promotion of the Knights Templars of the York Rite of the Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons.
2.) The Knights Templars of the Templi Secretum is the Sword and Shield of Freemasonry's York Rite Order of the Knights Templars. The OKTTS is committed to the promotion, preservation and protection of the Order of the Knights Templars and the Secret Mysteries held within this Order and those within Freemasonry.
3.) The Knights Templars of the Templi Secretum of the YR of the AFAM believes in obeying, following and living by the solemn oath we took when Knighted. We believe in Knights acting as true Knights, men acting like men and women being treated as Ladies. And we believe in living by the CHIVALRIC code of HONOR, INTEGRITY & LOYALTY.
4.) Let it be declared now that the OKTTS will employ any and every method available within our sphere of resources and influence to defend the Order of the Knights Templars of the York Rite of the Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons.
CONCERNING "FRIENDS": Just as in "real life", the MySpace pages are packed with liars and cheats, fakes and phonies. The OKTTS understands this, and since not one Knight possesses any of these character flaws or undesirable traits, you can be assured you are dealing with the "Real Deal". Trust this statement: The Knights of the OKTTS say what they mean and mean what they say, and nothing will remove us from our course or from our standards. That being said, the Knights Templars of the Templi Secretum values its Friends dearly. If you accept our friendship, then you accept us, as we accept you, as true Friends: and Friends we will remain until you prove you are no longer worthy of our attention and of our Friendship. As our Friend, if there is something we can do to help you with or something we can do to assist you with, as your Friend, all you need do is ask. Yes. That is how important we view our Friends.
Thus, the OKTTS is friends to all who are friendly to us, and to be our "friend" and to accept our "friendship", you acknowledge that you live by the same codes of life that we do, and that is:
What this means: This means that each Knight of the OKTTS will do what is correct, right and proper at any and all times. Each Knight will be honest and fair in all of their actions when dealing with friends. Each Knight will be, in all respects, A Man of Honor.
What this means: This means that each Knight of the OKTTS will never compromise their principles or beliefs. Each Knight will say what they mean and mean what they say even if those beliefs are unpopular, politically incorrect or not mainstream.
What this means: The Knights of the OKTTS, in accordance with the oaths we swore too when Knighted, will help any Lady in any manner we can. This do NOT mean we will pay mortgages or give down payments for cars. Still, the OKTTS will try to help Ladies in any way possible.
What this means: The Knights of the OKTTS have a special place in our hearts for both orphans and widows, and will do whatever we can to assist them in bettering their lot.
And, if you are a Knight of the OKTTS, to ALWAYS, in EVERY RESPECT, defend until your last breath the "BLOOD ROYAL" and "MYSTERIES".
Raison D'être of the OKTTS:
Unlike the Blue Lodges, the AASR, and the majority of the KT Commanderies (all of which are filled with VERY GOOD MEN), these Lodges, Cathedrals, and Commanderies are more interested in having spaghetti dinners, playing cards on the weekends, holding meetings which primarily consist of reading the LAST meeting’s minutes, collecting dues and talking about the “Good Old Days†(all of which can be accomplished by joining the Rotary Club or one of the “animal†lodges), the OKTTS is an organization built upon action.
That said; in keeping with the tradition of one of the original founding “charges†of Knights Templars, in addition to what was stated above, the OKTTS is ACTIVELY involved in the following:
1.) The OKTTS will counter the advances of RADICAL Islam whenever and where ever it is a threat to Gnostic or Christian values.
2.) The OKTTS will offer support and assistance to any bone fide organization or individual that is actively involved in defending human liberty and freedom and defeating RADICAL Islam, Communism or ANY Oppressive Government.
Before we "sign-off", let us make a few points PERFECTLY CLEAR.
1.) The Knights Templars IS the Paternal Order of the Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons. PERIOD. There is allot of talk and writings going around recently trying to make the case that the Knights Templars are not the founders of Freemasonry. This is pure bunk! The proponents of this dribble, those especially emanating from America, England and Scotland are all just engaged in a crash course of Historical Revision; removing the TRUE BELIEFS from the Order and the Craft; and flat-out rejecting Common Sense. The KTTS absolutely rejects these claims by these misguided and confused Knights and Brothers who preach otherwise.
ANY Knight Templar who has been "Knighted" will most certainly swear that the Knights Templars York Rite degree of Freemasonry IS the TRUE, UNEQUIVOCAL and ORIGINAL "Knights Templar" Order.
2.) The OKTTS makes NO APOLOGIES to ANYONE for being a "Secret Society". For far too long Freemasonry has done backflips trying to apologize to its critics and the population-at-large for having "Secrets" and closed meetings. The Knights of the OKTTS do not subscribe to this cowardice and spineless approach to explaining our Order. This lack of backbone by our "Leaders" only shows weakness to the "outside" world and is an extremely poor example of leadership to the Knights and Brothers within the Craft.
So, if you do not like that the Knights Templars or the Freemasons are a "Secret Society", then leave us be, and all will be good.
3.) The Knights Templars of the Templi Secretum are the true defendants of the Blood Royal and the "Mysteries" of the Order. The Knights of the OKTTS are the True Believers, the Guardians of the Sang Réal and our numbers stretch from one end of the globe to the other with Knights on every continent except Antarctica.
In addition, the OKTTS completely rejects the claims and pronouncements of those bizarre off-shoot "orders" and wanna-be "kings" living in Portugal and Great Britain who constantly espouse their garbled verbiage exclaiming the virtues of their sewing-circle size club.
4.) Whether you want to admit it or not; whether you want to acknowledge it or not; whether you despise the Knights of the Temple or the Craft for it or not; no matter how you feel about it, the Knights Templars and Freemasons are a law unto themselves, and this law effects everyone. To quote Umberto Eco, "The Templars have something to do with everything."
And in case you ever wondered, THIS IS HOW IT WORKS ...
If you had a brother, and he was a police officer, you wouldn't expect him to give you a speeding ticket if he stopped you for speeding, would you? No, of course not.
If you had a brother who was instrumental in awarding a particular business contract that your company was bidding on, you'd expect him to help you in some way, wouldn't you? Yes, of course you would.
If you had a brother who was influential in governmental decisions, and if you yourself had a certain valid agenda to promote, don't you think your brother would be sensitive and receptive to your ideas, thoughts and designs? Wouldn't you? Yes, of course you would.
And whether you like it or not, this is EXACTLY how Knights treat fellow Knights and how Masons treat fellow Masons: We treat each other as Brothers!
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"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And using fearless men made of steel as the instruments of my wrath, I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." ~ Dagobert II (650–679 AD)
In Hoc Signo Vinces,
Sir Knight John L. Mays
Order of the Knights Templars of the Templi Secretum
For more information on the OKTTS, contact us through MySpace.