Deep Sea Diver Living The Dream!!!"
It's Said That all the IRON MEN are gone And only in sentimental song live on. Soft living has taken its toll, they say The IRON MEN belong to another day. But listen now and I'll tell you true. That IRON MEN still wear the Navy blue; For when the cry rises to succor and save, The Navy Salvor's - the first of the brave. Steel ships ripped on a coral reef Need steel men to free from grief. Ten fathoms below a diver grows chill, Works with his hands, his heart and his will. "Bring back my son from his watery grave! Raise that boat - a fortune to save! Clear that wreck that blocks the port!" "CAN DO!" is the Salvors ready retort. From the bitter freeze of the Arctic cold, To the heartless heat of the tropic fold. Wherever tormenting wind and sea are met, Fare forth the Salvors with no regret. When at last the toilsome deed is done And the fearful struggle with sea is won, The Salvor sighs a great . . . . AMEN And takes his place . . . . with the IRON MEN!