Hi, My name is Bernardo Castillo Jr. Many call me Junior. Thank you for Visiting my Myspace. You probably accepted my friend request, and wondering why does this person wants to be friends with me. I don't even know this guy. Well, I do want to know you more and more as a friend and probably someone I can encourage when going through tough times. I don't know, but I know it can happen.
The reason why I wanted you as a friend is to read and listen to my story. I was born in San Francisco, CA. I lived there for the first 12yrs of my life. Then my family wanted to move to a bigger house in a smaller town called Vallejo, CA which is 50mi northeast of San Francisco. I went to a high school called St. Patrick - St. Vincent in Vallejo and my first ever school in Vallejo, in high school, i got affiliated with the ganglife, the drug life, the party life, and so on...I was a drug addict, an alcohol, and wanted to party every weekend. I never had good grades in my high school years, and I had a passion to play sports, but couldn't because of my grades. I've heard the quote, "You're a Loser" many times in my life, and never mount to anything. After high school, I was still doing my own thing, having my first job as pizza delivery person at Pizza Hut...Yummy...lol. I made minimum wage, and made great tips. After that, I got influence to join my friends to work at McDonald's. Oops, wrong choice, I wasn't getting anymore tips, work was harder, and was always getting high with my friends.
But after 2 years after high school, I realized that I needed a change in my life because I was getting into so much trouble and heading the wrong direction. My girlfriend at the time invited me to come to church, it took me a while to catch what was being preached to me, but after a year, I caught it and wanted to change my life the next second, no turning back. So on December 12th 1997, I decided to give my life to the Lord before anything worse would happen to me and have been with the same church ever since.
I go to a church called Victory Outreach in Vallejo. A great ministry that has helped me and many other people get their lives together. Many with the same situation I was and many others with different backgrounds. Now I am a worship/music leader in my church, I lead and helped a youth ministry for 10 years. My passion was the youth ministry and see young people in the city of Vallejo who had the same issues I did change their lives also for the honor and glory of God. There are so many young people in need in Vallejo and everywhere you go, probably in a dysfunctional family, a drug abuser, an alcohol, a party goer, or just needs direction in their life and needs a mentor. Well now I am a musician and a singer now for the Lord Jesus Christ and do it for my church to get people closer to God. I don’t know where I would be without His grace and His mercy.
If this story/testimony, whatever you want to call it has touched you in any some kind of way, all I can tell you is Jesus Loves You and He Died for you and for you sins. Once I realized that, my life has been blessed every single day through the Up times and through the Down and Dirty times. If you are involved in any of the stuff that I used to do, I can tell you that there is a better way. Come visit our church anytime if you don’t have a church to go to and let God work in you and see how good He really is. I can tell you so much stuff, but its up to you to experience it so you can have stories like me. Our website is www.victoryoutreachvallejo.com
or if you are a young person that is in Junior High or in High School, goto our youth ministry page at www.vovallejogang.com
. Hope to see you when you visit, God Bless. If you want to see my video of my testimony, just pause the music if its still playing for better sound quality and enjoy, hopefully it touches you. Don't worry about the add next to the video. Also if you want to subscribe to my youtube videos, I encourage you to...goto Click Here for More Videos
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