Member Since: 8/13/2005
Influences: orange noon grass...yellow trees pulse
anchors ankh choirs...pools cure...voices clear
driving flower heals trailer
window letter books...bright faces
green midnight broken son rich.
orange grass...yellow trees...window entrances
sky feild...starling lily grazing..flower heals push ahead
drinking ankhor'd cures patience wrist bands...
roadside pefume.
centrail valley silver..melody's of her soul.
cables upon tables...patturn'd grounds.
subsistence crowns link suspensions..up holding chandel tiers bulbs spoken around a firefly.
Sounds Like: crystals shaking of cobwebs in an attic...until the night break forth into clear sounding day....bud the bright stars & the crisp airs are up overhead...or unfinished songs.
Record Label: GsusCmajor5..copyrighted by nebulacity watersvague
Type of Label: Major