About Me
Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it would be easy, they just promised that it would be worth it.
My name is heather.
I believe in karma more than anything these days.
Im pretty optimistic and open minded.
Ill try anything once, or a few times, and im always up for anything
I make alot of mistakes, let people down, and I hardly do the right thing, ever! But i guess thats just how it goes. And thats how you learn
I write a lot of poetry and things like that.
I see people for more than what they are on the outside.
I have 12 piercings and 2 tattoo's so far.
My girls mean everything to me. They keep me together, and theres nothing i wouldnt do for them. They have been there for me thought it all, and without them, Id be no where good. Everything I need is found in those girls. And Im more than grateful to have them in my life.
I been told I have the attention span of a fruit fly.
I strongly believe you should never take life or anyone for granted.
Sometimes I wish people would love you, the way you love them.
I love life and at the same time i fucking hate it.
I drive a grandma car lol.
Ive got this fuckin crazy ass cool sister who I would never change a thing about. We have our fights and differences, but in the end we are always there for eachother,and dont let anything get in the way of that. I know without her Id be next to nothing. That girl is my life and i love her to death.
I was born in Illinois.
Graduated in 07.
I can make anyone smile(thats a promise).
Sometimes I hate being told no. Especially when its something I really go after.
Im a Beer kind of girl.
I have horrible trust issues because of the people from my past.
My mom is amazing. She makes everyone happy, even if it makes her unhappy. Theres not a thing i would change about her. (shes a fucking amazing cook too).
I go to a lot of concerts.
I like being scared. If that makes any sense.
You really couldnt tell a whole lot about me just from lookin at me.
Im not a girly girl in any way. Minus the make up thing.
I enjoy all the simple things in life. The things that cant be bought, all the things that your supposed to appreciate.
I could really give a fuck less what anyone thinks of me. I dont care what you heard or what you think you know... unless you know for yourself dont judge me.
Im more than in love with orange soda.
Theres alot of things about me people dont know, because they dont take the time to find out.
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