B R I O N Y!
"Does An Angel Contemplate My Fate?!"
I never know what to say on these but hey, here it goes...
I start college in less than a fortnight, and I'm still not sure if it's the course I want to do.
But thats what my life is like, I can never make up my mind,
And I'm really unsure about what I want to do.
For the last month and a bit, I have lived off a tenner a week,
But yet, I still manage to be wrecked every weekend.
I still need to do some thinking and work out where I'm going with certain aspects of my life,
But I think I'll get it sorted.
When it comes to relationships though, I'm screwed.
I don't know what to do or where I should go next,
But as I said above I think I'll get it sorted.
I'm talking lots of crap on here.
I'm Briony, Good times make me smile.
My internet at home is broken the now, so if I'm on it's prob in the library so I cannae get comments, I aint dingying you.