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I ♥ HIM oh so much!

About Me

♥ Madison Kayleigh ♥

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Libra - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:
You are open minded enough to date outside your typical "type" ... successfully!
You are diplomatic - and likely to end a fight instead of dragging things out.
You are easily loyal and faithful, but only for the right person.
Your negative traits:
You're a bit gullible, and partners take advantage of you. You still may not know it.
You find it difficult to decide where to go to dinner, what movie to watch, who to date...
You have to be in a relationship, or else you just don't feel like yourself.
Your ideal partner:
A smooth talker who enjoys socializing as much as you to.
Someone classy and cultured who knows which wine to order with dinner.
Is beautiful to you - although not necessarily attractive in the traditional sense.
Your dating style:
Romantic. If your date comes bearing flowers, wine, and poetry... well, your heart soars.
Your seduction style:
Giving. Your lover's pleasure is as important as your own.
Soft and sensual - you don't like anything to be rough.
Extravagant ... your fantasy involves staying at a five star hotel with your love.
Tips for the future:
Don't be so quick to compromise in relationships - and you'll get taken advantage of yes.
Try being single for a while. Seems impossible, but you'll learn so much about yourself from doing so.
Make some decisions about your romantic life, right now. You'll be happy that you did.
Best place to meet someone ..:
Platinum Romance - the best place to meet other singles who love romance as much as you do
Best color to attract mate: Green
Best day for a date: Wednesday
Get your free love profile at Blogthings .
:: Friends ::
You are so popular, you have your choice of hotties. You can easily charm anyone of your choosing, and you often come home with someone you picked up at the bar. Despite your forward and extraverted nature, you are usually submissive in bed. You like your partner to take the lead and show you all of their little secrets. Sex matches: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius
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My Interests

Madison Kayleigh
My Family
My Friends
Forever 21

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Black Hawk Down
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Harry Potter
The Notebook
A Walk to Remember
The Last Samurai


Grey's Anatomy
October Road
Forensic Files
Animal Planet
The Discovery Channel
Food Network
Sex and the City


My MOM and those serving our country. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!