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About Me

Im all About my family and friends...... ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- --Let me tell u somethin about me then...I graduated Heald College with a degree in computer science and guess what...I have not found any type of job in that field. I think I chose the worng trade to get into. F#@k it!!! Thats what I always say. If u look here u can tell I love music, its my life, its death, and itll bring me back once again. I have been to a ton of concerts, I like meeting my music idols and take fotos with them. Do you know how many Ozzfests Ive been to? I dont! Ive seen Korn 8 times and about to see them again. I dont know why...its not like their my favorites...its jus somethin I love doin.I also like art...I draw here n there. Nothin to fancy or professional...jus some crazy things I see. Maybe I can get into tattooin again...its somethin ive been thinkin bout. So who wants to be one of my first clients? Wont charge alot. i have a few tats and am planning to get a few more as soon as I could afford it.Im not a club rat, but will go to one here n there. I like goin to bar n grills and chill with some heads and have some laughs. If theres a local band playin there, shit, even better. Sip on some coronas with some friends and music...coronas with shrimp and tapatio are fuckin rad!Ive met alot of people through here and some have turned out to be some of the coolest friends I could have. Also met alot of know those Im totally over my ex bullshit. The ones who get mad when they "myspace stalk" them and do their whole set their page to private crap. But somehow accidentally he becomes one of your friends again. And has your new cell number after you just changed it. Fake ass b*#ches soemtimes...jus tell the truth and quite being phony. To be honest...this is no place to look for a realtionship. But if you want a "bootycall"...PERFECT!!!!!! But meeting cool new friends is good...and hey you never know. So..fake ass b*#ches welcome!!! I work for a shipping company named AWR. Im the Outbound Supervisor which means im in chrage of all that leaves the building. I love my job...most of the day what I do is look after my "children" all I got about 20 something of them...and make sure they are gettin the stuff out. Most fo them are the goofiest bunch of people in the world...which is why I love them.I believe your job makes you the person you are. If your a kiss ass them thats what youll be. If your a hard worker your gone go somehwere sooner or later. If all your gonna amount to be is a big gossip...then your in for one sad life.I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some midlevel governmental functionary with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts squirting out babies.I'm not in touch with my feelings and I like it that way, damn it!I believe no one ever died because of something Ozzy Osbourne, Ice-T or Marilyn Manson sang.I think owning a gun doesn't make you a killer.I believe it's called the Boy Scouts for a reason.I don't think being a minority makes you noble or victimized.I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, you'd better do it in English.I don't use the excuse "it's for the children" as a shield for unpopular opinions or actions.I think fireworks should be legal on the 4th of July.I think that being a student doesn't give you any more enlightenment than working at Blockbuster. In fact, if your parents are footing the bill to put your pansy ass through 4-7 years of college, you haven't begun to be enlightened.I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God or gods, just leave the rest of us out of it. This also applies to sexuality.My heroes are John Wayne, the Simpsons, and whoever canceled Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.I don't hate the rich. I don't pity the poor.I know wrestling is fake and I don't waste my time arguing about it.I think global warming is a big lie. Where are all those experts now, when I am freezing my ass through a long winter?I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I didn't wander forty years in the desert after getting chased out of Egypt, I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you, so shut-the-#$%!-up already.I want to know which church is it exactly where the Reverend Jesse Jackson preaches. And where does he get his money. And why is he always part of the problem and not the solution.I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry ass if you're running from them. I also think they have the right to pull your ass over if you are breaking the law, regardless of what color you are.I think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don't want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years.I hate those bastards standing in the intersections trying to sell me crap or trying to guilt me into making 'donations' to their cause. These people should be targets.I think if you are in the passing lane, and not passing, your license should be revoked, and you should be forced to ride the bus until you promise to never delay the rest of us again.I think beef jerky could quite possibly be the perfect food.I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents.I think tattoos and piercing are fine if you want them, but please don't pretend they are a political statement.I think Dr. Seuss was a genius.I'm neither angry nor disenfranchised, no matter how desperately the mainstream media would like the world to believe otherwise.I believe if she has her lips on your willie, it is sex, and it is sex for both of you. This even applies when you are President of the United States.If that makes me a BAD American, then yes, I'm a BAD American.Thanx for readin my blog and checkin out my page...and if theres anything u wanna know...jus ask. LATE!!!!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

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I'd like to meet:

The most fuckin rad voice in thrash metal today...Ivan. Ive met Ivan a couple of times and is one the most awsome dudes out there. He appreaciates his fans. Every opprotunity I can get to met him would be killer.Look out for the fist!!!...Also Marilyn Manson is someone who I ve always respected as an artist in every aspect. People have their own political point of view of what he presents to his fans. Whether they say he is the cause of what wrong the young world can cause or how unexpectingly intelligent he is...he has made me a firm believer that no one gives a shit...until they need someone to blame.MYFLYPROFILE.NET

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