Bend SCIO (ex Zlocin i Plazma) postoji od aprila 2004. 0d tada prolazi kroz razne faze i trpi promene, kako u zvuku, tako i u samoj postavci benda. Evolucija zvuka i stila same svirke se kristalise i polako poprima svoj konacni oblik kada u bend ulazi bubnjar Zivko Obradovic - Zile, a zatim i novi basista Igor Mladenovic - Giga. Od samog pocetka u bendu su, Strahinja Zivkovic - Strale,solo gitarista, i Stevan Pavlovic, vokal i ritam gitara.
Trudeci se da u svojim pesmama ostave pecat unikatnog zvuka, muzika postaje
mesavina raznih stilova i uticaja mnostva raznih bendova.
*************************The Band >>SCIO<< (ex Crime & Plazma) exists since April 2004. Since than, band is going through different changes, as in it's sound, also within the band. Evolution of the sound and the style of playing slowly started to form and take up it's final shape, when the band found new drummer Zivko Obradovic - Zile, and soon after that new bass player Igor Mladenovic - Giga. Since the beginning, persistant band members were Strahinja Zivkovic - Strale, lead guitar, and his brother Stevan Pavlovic - Steva, vocal and guitar.
Trying to achieve unique seal of their sound, their music becomes a mixture of various music genres and is influenced by many various bands.
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