The Pussybats Streetteam profile picture

The Pussybats Streetteam

About Me

This is the official streetteam from the alternative rock band
THE PUSSYBATS. Our streetteam need "devils" for help, so please, add us to your friendlist and also have a look at the band's myspace profile or their official website.
If you like THE PUSSYBATS, their music and you want to see them many often in your area, don’t you like doing to support us?
Well, let us know if you can support us concerning this, or if you have any questions or new ideas, please get in touch with us at [email protected]
Summary Update
JES we can :)
From today THE PUSSYBATS set off the “JES Arward”. Vote like devils...
Therefore you have to be registered! The voting is taken the whole month.
- vote H E R E for The Pussybats -
CROSSPROMOTION: Killed By Candy - new song
CROSSPROMOTION: Rockhaus television
The new Rock'n'Roll Show - online and on air
www. rockhaus. tv <---> www. myspace. com/rockhaustv
Push THE PUSSYBATS Banner on Northern Rockmusic's toplist!
THE PUSSYBATS have the chance to jump on the toplist of “Northern Rockmusic”. Therefore we need your help! Please push the "Vote for me" Button to bring THE PUSSYBATS to the top. You will be entered to the website directly, go to # 28 and give the band your vote. THANKS.
THE PUSSYBATS - Release Party videostream
THE PUSSYBATS - Merch packages for Gents and Ladies!!!
Only as long as stock suffices, now at the Online Store or drop us a line...THANKS!
about the pussybats _
Alternative rock. More precisely? Come on, anything is rock'n'roll somehow, isn't it? Shoudn't there be some emotion in everything? And aren't the most beautiful tales always the sad ones?
After listening to the debut album 'famous last songs', all those questions are obsolete anyway, you'll get drawn into the music without any chance to escape. That's the moment when you'll understand the album's title: Those are songs worth dying for!
The four guys from Stuttgart have emancipated themselves from their influences - going from Johnny Cash to Placebo, the Backyard Babies and Motörhead - and finally found their very self, their own style and sound. Rock riffs, catchy melodies, emotion and melancholy melt into a soul-touching entity. Songs like a rollercoaster ride between a goodbye kiss and a kick in your ass. A voice that's gonna haunt your dreams. And last but not least, thrilling live shows packed with loads of blood, sweat, tears and entertainment.
After listening to the debut album 'famous last songs', all those questions are obsolete anyway, you'll get drawn into the music without any chance to escape. That's the moment when you'll understand the album's title: Those are songs worth dying for! The four guys from Stuttgart have emancipated themselves from their influences - going from Johnny Cash to Placebo, the Backyard Babies and Motörhead – and finally found their very self, their own style and sound. Rock riffs, catchy melodies, emotion and melancholy melt into a soul-touching entity. Songs like a rollercoaster ride between a goodbye kiss and a kick in your ass. A voice that’s gonna haunt your dreams. And last but not least, thrilling live shows packed with loads of blood, sweat, tears and entertainment. Starting in 2006, they already managed to gain some attention and gather a constantly growing fanbase – but now they're off to hit it big time. It hasn't been easy since and the real challanges are yet to come. However, the flame still burns, the will to keep going is stronger than ever. The magic is on – so let the show begin!
discography _
EP 'miss purgatory' (self-distrubution 2007) | Download Single 'no romeo' (Black Rain 2008) | Album 'famous last songs' (Black Rain 2009)
story so far _
Sonic Seducer 'Battle Of The Bands 2006' winner (Europe’s biggest newcomer-competition for the so-called 'dark' scene) featured on the compilations 'Gothic Spirits 5 & 6' and 'Aderlass Compilation Vol. 5' as 'Aderlass Newcomer'. Tracks on compilations of the following magazines: Sonic Seducer, Orkus, Astan, Insomnia (UK) Music videos on air via satellite TV and played on movie festivals like the 'Judgement Night 2008' (Austria) Branded drink 'PussyLiquor' in cooperation with Pech Liqours Numerous shows in Germany and throughout Europe with The 69 Eyes, Subway To Sally, Front 242, Jesus On Extasy etc. including performances at the Wave-Gothic-Treffen 2007 in Leipzig and – as the only unsigned act yet - at Castle Rock VIII in Mülheim/Ruhr. Soundtrack of the indie-horror movie 'One By One' (dvdmedia 2006)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


All busy streetteam girls and boys for your bloody support!!!

My Blog

THE PUSSYBATS  live on stage

Hey Ho,14.08.2009 mit The Crüxshadows - Location: Cafe Paradox, Krumenauerstr. 38, 85049 IngolstadtEinlass: 20 Uhr, Beginn: 21:00 Uhr, Eintritt: 16,00 ¬ / 19,00 ¬19.08.2009 mit The Crüxshadows  Locat...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Aug 2009 23:30:00 GMT

THE PUSSYBATS - Jes Arward Show at Radio58;

Am kommenden Mittwoch, den 05.08.09, könnt ihr unter anderem THE PUSSYBATS ab 20 Uhr in der nächsten JES Award Sendung bei RADIO58 hören. Nicht verpassen!******On next Wednesday, august 5th, 2009, you...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Aug 2009 20:12:00 GMT

Vote like devils for THE PUSSYBATS to win the JES Arward

Ab Heute treten THE PUSSYBATS beim JES Arward gegen 5 weitere Bands an. Votet wie der Teufel, für unsere RocknRollers. Dafür müsst ihr registriert sein! Das Voting läuft den ganzen Monat!- stimmt ...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Aug 2009 14:25:00 GMT

Crosspromotion  ROCKHAUS TV Show #22 with vids from The Haunted, Anthrax and more&

www. rockhaus. tv <-> www. myspace. com/rockhaustv
Posted by on Fri, 31 Jul 2009 01:25:00 GMT

CROSSPROMOTION - Do You Need A Video???

CROSSPROMOTION  Nightfall Entertainment and Fabrik Drei EntertainmentText by Nightfall EntertainmentGerade in Zeiten von Web 2.0, Youtube und MySpace verbreiten sich - interessante - Clips rasend sch...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Jul 2009 11:50:00 GMT

THE PUSSYBATS  "Your Woman" is online @ ROCK LIVE RADIO!

Seit kurzem sind THE PUSSYBATS bei Rock Live Radio gelistet.Bald wird die Band auch hier eine Review bekommen.Wir danken für die Unterstützung und hoffen auf frohes Schaffen :=)Aktuell ist das Video...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Jul 2009 12:06:00 GMT

THE PUSSYBATS & ROCKHAUS TV: introducing on Hard Rock Radio forum

Hey ho,im HARD ROCK RADIO Forum wurden heute, The Pussybats und Rockhaus TV vorgestellt.(wer macht solche kriminiellen Sachen ??) JAlso& Streetteam Mädels und Buben, los gehts, haut in Eure Taste...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 12:05:00 GMT

THE PUSSYBATS  Famous Last Songs CD Review @ Medazzarock online!

HURRA, eine weitere CD Review ist online  diesmal von MEDAZZAROCK aus der Schweiz. Bereit zum Nachlesen auf Desweiteren gibts in deren Forum unter der Rubrik ROCK...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Jul 2009 05:21:00 GMT


Hey, Um unseren Fans und Freunden auch die Chance zu geben sich untereinander über THE PUSSYBATS und das Streetteam auszutauschen, haben wir eine The Pussybats Streetteam Gruppe erstellt.Kommentare, N...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Jul 2009 13:48:00 GMT

CROSSPROMOTION  Killed By Candy new song The Day That Michael Jackson Died

Text by Killey By Candyhey - this is the first ever killedbycandy track exclusive (!) on bandcamp. sounds like a good reason to download and pay a shitload of money for it, right? it's kind of a dance...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 11:38:00 GMT