the color PINK, my designer sunglasses that I am OBSESSED with collecting, pinot grigio, pinot noir, egg white omlettes (with spinach tomato and onions), awsome blossom, sushi from Buddah's Favorite, Chilean Seabass, Greygoose, Sugar Free Bull, New Braunfals, getting tan, getting drunk, getting naked (I meant to say being a perfect angel haha yeah right how boring!!!)Vegas, Rehab, Miami, Shopping on Melrose, Sunday funday @ Sharkey's, Dive bars, blonde hair on girls dark hair on boys, tattoos, piercings, fohawks, certain pretty boys with pretty white teeth and perfectly CLEAN shoes, crazy people that just don't give a fuck, my girls, my mother, Swarovski crystals, Care Bears (cause that been my nickname since i was born),Young and the Restless, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, Nip Tuck, Chanel make-up, Gucci Boots, Juicy & 2 Be Free jumpsuits, Frankie B jeans, cute butt-cracks, and basically anyone that loves to listen to my bull shit and know how to put up with it. ...