This is my gamer card. It shows the latest games i've played on Xbox 360, It also shows my gamer repuation, gamer pic and gamer points. I know im a gamer nerd but i dont care.
Undertaker is my fave wrestler. He is THE best wrestler ever and a sure fire hall of famer
My all time fave, Chris Jericho the most charismatic wrestler i ever watched and the first ever undisputed champion.
I drink Carling when given the option, no one else seems to like it. I dont know what their problem is
Jacky D's I do love a drop of whiskey from time to time, and this is the only one to choose. Unless im skint then its Bells.
I dont watch a hell of a lot of television, but when i do its programs like South Park, The Simpsons, Family Guy ..... You get the picture, Cartoons and the like.
I Work on the Service Squad At B&Q, its a great job with loads to do and i really do enjoy my job. Its not usual that you hear that but i do mean it
Well thats all from me for now, i'll put some more stuff on this page later.