hello someone. *waves*
welcome to my little corner of me. or rather: welcome to one of my little corners of me. I'm an artist in search of my own niche (I hope it's not arrogant to name oneself an 'artist'..). I sing, I write, I take photographs . none of these has got my full undeterred attention yet and all still need to go through their own process of evolution.
this page is mainly an easy way for my dear friends-from-far-away to get an idea what I'm up to music-wise. but anyone is welcome to listen and leave their thoughts behind engraved in the walls of the interweb.
enjoy! =)
my little stars
i need some space here to thank the dearhearts that have inspired me to keep trailing this track. first of all there's my eternal fan & critic - my sis. then there's the bunch of Leedsers (you know who you are! - M,C,M,M,M,M) whose faithful ears proved to me that my little ditties were worth listening to beside the ears of those related. a biggest thank you to all of you for inspiring my creativity that year - not just songs! and here's a hug for another M (mayumi) that pushed me over the edge to step, all wobbly-kneed and dry-throated, onto a stage. ..another few nudges people and I might start enjoying it... *wink*
okay. that's enough stars pinned to my firmament before I start sounding cheesy..
here's a little video of me singing one of my newer songs.. i don't muchly like watching myself (maybe that's why the vids so dark.. hehe) but i hope you like the song..
hearts & smiles
cockle shells
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another home-made vid, thought it was high time to post something.. anything!.. to show that i haven't completely surrendered to silence just quite yet! the sound isn't great.. but it'll have to do for now :)
hey little girl