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Grand Illusion

About Me

GRAND ILLUSION - Megadeth's Symphony of Destruction

Add to My Profile | GRAND ILLUSION - Deep Purple's Perfect Strangers

Add to My Profile | GRAND ILLUSION - Motorhead's Ace Of Spades

Add to My Profile | More Videos More Videos More Videos Nesebar 2007-01 - Never Again

Add to My Profile | More VideosNesebar 2007-02 - My Muse

Add to My Profile | More VideosNesebar 2007-03 - Americam Dream

Add to My Profile | More VideosYou Drivin' Me Crazy

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Member Since: 24/09/2007
Band Members: Ivan "The Jedi" (vocals & drums) , Ceco (guitars, vocals) , Kremon (double bass, bass guitars, vocals) , Dancho (drums & vocals) DODO (guitars, vocals)
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Record Label: Unsigned

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undefined Nesebar 2007-01 - Never Again

undefined Nesebar 2007-01 - Never Again Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 00:36:00 GMT