~L@dy "B"~ profile picture

~L@dy "B"~

I am here for Friends

About Me

Wat it do lam3s...dis Lady"B".(y3p...that'll b3 m3!)I'm a 24 y3ar old f3mal3 r3sidin in tha Gat-Town ar3a.I'm 5'8",kinda sl3nd3r wit short brown hair,& brown eyes.I have thr33 butiful kids(twins & a son)nam3d Asya, Adryan,& A'Darriy33n that m3an tha world to m3.Sinc3 th3y'v3 b33n in my lyf3,it has chang3d for th3 gr3at.I luv th3m soo much. I wouldn't trad3 th3m for nuttin...3V3R.(3v3n though th3y BAD AS H3LL) I hav3 a gr3at p3rsonality till u piss m3 off,than it's on,so I advis3 a bytch not to t3st m3.I'm a quit3 p3rson. Don't r3ally fuck wit too many(3sp3cially f3mal3s)from this town cuz all th3y good for is TALKING SHYT & FUCKING UR MAN...point blank.A bytch fuck my nigga'...it's MURDER! I don't lyk3 troubl3(don't m3an I'm scar3d...far from that)& I don't start troubl3.I can say I hav3 a hand full of fri3nds. F3mal3s that I'v3 always fuck3d wit. Big ups to ya'll.(ya'll know who ya'll ar3 wit & witout myspac3 pag3s)Otha than that, I lik3 to kick it & have a good tym3.Wanna know anything 3ls3 bout m3...Hit m3 up,plus...show my pag3 sum luv.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

D@ muth@fuccin' Pr3sid3nt...B@r@c Ob@ma,Opr@h

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