Our new album Into the Stratosphire now available on:
Hey, thanks for checking us out. We are the crazy new rock band called His Boy Elroy. If we sound familiar then it's probably because we are the band of your dreams. We've been through several musicians and several names, but we finally think we have a solid line-up. Andrew Stott, originally from California, is an excellent guitarist and writes a lot of music as well as interestingly deep lyrics. He also sings edgy yet melodic lead vocals. Sean Sagers, well, he's the bassist. Nuff said. Sean comes up with nice syncopated rhythms and does the other part of the song writing for the group. He can also sing a little and play the boards. Then there is the super fantastic John Charles (Chuck) Brailsford II. He is the new guitarist in the group. The missing piece in our eclectic jigsaw. tHis keyboard skills, guitar chops, crazy outfits, and stage presence have made him a staple in the group. Last, but most certainly not least, Christian Sagers is the drummer and percussionist. True, he is the youngest member of the group but he's got the ability to play with guys twice his age. His energy and happy go lucky Keith Moon attitude are refreshing in a world where so many musicians take themselves too seriously. We just like to get on stage and play. We love the roots of rock and blues but we try to combine that with some of the amazing new music that's out there. If we have done our job right you should notice both Alternative, Indie, and Classic Rock influences in our music. In short, we're here, we love to play music, and who cares about anything else...
Show Log:
05/20/2006 - The Music School Venue
06/06/2006 - Velour: Battle of the Bands
07/20/2006 - Heritage Park Amphitheatre
09/20/2006 - Velour
05/05/2007 - KnightStock - Lone Peak BOTB
05/11/2007 - Muse Music: Battle of the Bands
05/25/2007 - CaveStock
05/26/2007 - Rock the Amp!
08/24/2007 - Ozz Billiards
11/03/2007 - Ozz Billiards
02/22/2008 - Bordeaux Basement
03/26/2008 - Muse Music
--/--/----/ - Private Show
07/27/2008 - Rock the Amp 2
09/012/2008 - Velour: Farewell Show