----------------------------------in the works-----------------------------------
untitled 20 minute e.p.
(.heat death records. .december 2009.)
haiku limited edition
(.futurerecordings. .december 2009.)
woodworkings & the outdoor strings "the autumn symphony" in full
(.sonicpieces. .fall 2010.)
"boost mobile" split tape cassette with american folklore
(.lost tapes collected.)
"pieces for lonely piano" -
music made for my love who had to be away for too long.
(.self released cd.)
"winter lives in our hands" -
nearly thirty minutes of piano and guitar based ambient & classical songs. on cd-r and limited edition tape cassette.
(.self released cd. .cassette on ten ten tapes.)
"the grey tapes" -
nearly sixty minutes of minimal ambient work with layered piano, guitars, keyboard, field recordings, etc.
(.self released cd.)
"sylkre" e.p. -
over thirty minutes of minimal piano pieces that span the life of woodworkings. to be listened to in random order.
(.self released cd.)
"not known" e.p.-
twenty minutes of ambient, noise, and collage based songs that tell the story of an overdose and afterlife.
(.self released cd.)
"paper soil" -
almost fifty minutes of early recordings. classical, ambient, and folk. it will be available as a free download with the purchase of any of the other releases.
(.self released download.)