...hmmm.... reading(sometimes)... shopping... eating..... hangin out with friends....and of course... BOYS!!!.... the list goes one and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... hehehe... get the point yet?
Making friends are the BEST.....
I Love Ya Lots...
haha...cute guys.... [i know...i'm vain],
but mostly for the friends
...Ai Li... ♥ 's Comment Box
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anything that sounds good to me... kinda sorta... not only does it have to sound good to be... I need the lyrics to speak to me.. the kind I can relate to.. if not relate to.. find meaning from it..
uhhh... wow... i've seen too many movies in my lifetime to narrow it down...
Disney Movies have got to be the best... the classics... not the new stuff that they're coming up with... but some are actually really cute
I really like good suspense movies... love stories... [chick flicks].... comedies... romantic comedies.... horror....uhh.... Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter is about as sci-fi/fantasy as I get..... but... w/e...
basically... i only like movies that can make me tear up.. put me on the edge....... gross me out... be like... "ddddaaaammmmnnnn... was that for reals?".. etc etc.... ur gunna have to aske me for specifics....
uhhh... again... i've watched too much TV in my lifetime to narrow things down.... but i'll try....
♥ George Lopez
♥ I Love Lucy
♥ Futurama
♥ The Simpsons
♥ Boy Meets World
♥ Family Guy
♥ That 70s Show
♥ Fairly Odd Parents
♥ Avatar
Well... basically... anything on Nickelodeon.. Disney [almost].. and Cartoon Network....
♥ Friends
♥ Gilmore Girls
♥ Desperate Housewives
♥ Will and Grace
♥ Everybody Loves Raymond
♥ Family Matters
♥ Full House
♥ Saved by the Bell
♥ Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
♥ ET
♥ Access Hollywood
♥ Extra
♥ Grey's Anatomy
The list never ends...
TV just rocks my socks....
hmmm...... books... books.....
anything ... that was not assigned as reading for school.... well... some of them are good.... but... not all of them....
anybody... I can talk to... and has done something that has made an impact on my life... in a good way...