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About Me

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I'm just an average UNITED STATES CITIZEN who's been growing increasingly appalled, alarmed, and outraged by what is happening in our country today (especially in the name of "patriotism"). Being a good American these days has come to mean being a good "sheep". To see, hear, and speak no "evil"... something I've never been much good at. There is nothing... NOTHING more patriotic than speaking out against injustice and totalitarianism/fascism even though our dominant paradigm would have us believe otherwise ("You're either with us or you're with the enemy"). So... consider this page a sounding board, forum, and meeting place for all like minded individuals. Knowledge is power and I'm making it a personal task to see that it begins to spread like wildfire before the Bill of Rights has TOTALLY been decimated by the Patriot Act. The Constitution is NOT dead, but is still only a piece of paper without the conviction of the American people giving it life. Don't let complacency let it die!!! Unite and RESIST!!!

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