My interests consist of mainly sports and some to do with people. I favorite and most rewarding interest would have to be doing youth ministry! Especially working with Young Life. Mentoring young teens and showing them that Jesus & Christianity is not something to fear away from. My sport interests consist of NASCAR (GO KASEY!), Baseball (GO ATLANTA BRAVES), and college Basketbell (GO 'CUSE)!
There are many people I'd like to meet in this world and all for varies reasons. One person I'd like to meet is Osoma Bin Ladin. Why you ask? I want to ask him why he believes what he does and where he learned this. The last person I'd like to meet would have to be President George Bush. I'd really like to ask him what his motives are behind the war in Iraq. I truly HATE politics, but I just don't understand why/how he could watch all these young men & woman die in Iraq. It's sad enough to watch it when other countries are killing each other. (Enough about that). lol
I like most Christian music. My absolute favorite band has to be Jars Of Clay. I love them SO much, I made my own "Best of: Jars." They rock!! One of the best Christian (hardcore) rock bands has to be Skillet. But, christian music is not the only music I like. Yes, I also LOVE 80's music. REO Speedwagon, Chicago, and many, many, many, many, more!
My absolute favorite movie in the world has to be "Princess Bride." There are many movies I love, and they're all slap stick type movies. Examples, ALL "Naked Gun" movies, All "Airplane" movies, and last but not least, 80's flicks. Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, and Uncle Buck! You've got to love John Candy!
There is no better pure waste of time then to spend it in front of the television! If you know me well enough, then you're thinking... Ben is on crack! lol. Yeah, its a waste, but awesome! My favorite TV show has to be "THE OFFICE." That show kills me every week. Then the next varies week to week. "My Name is Earl" and "Grey's Ananomy" But I hate this Mr. Mc Dreamy and Mc Steamy... they butt friggin ugly! The hispanic chick is a hotty!!!
Hukkd on fonix did dint wurc four mee.
I have a few different heroes and for different reasons. The first one would ultimately have to be Jesus Christ. Who else would endure what he did in his time. The ridicule, abuse, and problems that he did. It's almost unbelievable. For my next hero, I like King David. He seems like just a fun and crazy guy! Yeah, he was known as the man after God's own heart, but he danced and celebrated naked in the streets and didn't care who saw! I could only do that if I had a few drinks in me! lol. And my last hero is Fletcher Brothers of Freedom Village Academy. A man who has tolorated more crap and unnecessary ridicule than any person should have to put up with. And throughout it all... He still loves teenagers. Just after having to deal with me alone is enough to be put into a mental institute!