A documentary on todays predictions
In this video this guy talks about almost everything to do with 2012 including the predictions in great detail.
Mayans Prophecy documentary:
The Mayans believe a certain date of the year 1999 will be the beginning of a 13 year countdown to the year 2012, that then they believe history is going to end.
The Puranas date back from 1000's of years and also have predictions of 2012 heres what the Puranas believe'There will be contemporary monarchs, reiging over the earth - Kings of churlish spirit, violent temper, and ever addicted to falsehood and wickedness. They will inflict death on women, children, and cows; they will seize upon the property of their subjects, and be intent upon the wives of others; they will be of unlimited power, their lives will be short, their desire insatiable... People of various countries intermingling with them, will follow their example... Wealth and piety will decrease until the world will be wholly depraved. Property alone confer rank; wealth will be the only source of devotion; passion will be the sould bond of union between the sexes; falsehood will be the only means of success in litigation; and women will be objects merely of sensual gratification...external types will be the only distinction of the several orders of life... a man if rich will be reputed pure; dishonesty will be the universal means of subsistence, weakness the cause of dependence, menace and persumption will be substituted for learning; liberality will be devotion; mutual assent, marriage; fine clothes, dignity. He who is strogest will reign; the people, unable to bear the heavy burthen (the load of taxes) will take refuge among the valleys thus in the Kali age will decay constantly proceed, until the human race will approach annihilation.'