Well let see what can I tell you about us...We have started our web page... DysfunctionalDolls.com... take a look it still needs some work but it is there! We are a group of girls that work all over the us. We have Go-go dancers, Promos girls, Shot girls, and much much more.
If you would like to get hooked up with us email us at DysfunctionalDolls@gmail.com. If you are a bar, club, clothing comp, ext. just email what you would like us to do. If you are a sexy girl wanting to be a Doll we need you do what we have listed below:we are looking for a twisted form of sexy!if you could send us an email to dysfunctionaldolls@gmail.com with this included:1. head or body shot
2. full name and what you would like to go by
3. what part of town your in
4. a phone number were we can reach you
5. when you can work
6 work you have done
7. oh and your age :)