GUYS, talkin on line, talkin on the phone, shoppin, playin basketball, mud slingin on the four wheelers, goin to church hangin out with friends
Layout by Myspace
First Name: Jessica
Middle Name: Marie
Birthday: April 2 1990
Eyes: Brown
Hair: LONG Brown
Fav color: probley Hot pink or like aqua
Day/Night: Night
Fave Food: CHICKEN
Do you ever wish you had another name? YES JILL so my name would be JILL HILL
Do you like anyone? POSSIBLY
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? UH not sure
Who's the loudest? KELSEY
Who have you known the longest of your friends? idk
Who's the shyest: maybe emily
Are you close to any family members? YES
When you cried the most: found out papa had cancer
What's the best feeling in the world: ahh cant say
Worst Feeling: hateful guys
Let's walk on the: Beach
Let's run through: the mud
Let's look at the: pictures
What a nice: BUTT
Where did all the: chocolate go
Why can't you: just leave
Silly, little: thing
Tell me: PLEASE
Ran away from home: UH cant say i have
Pictured your crush naked: HAHA
Skipped school: yea but i mean no not really cause my parents knew
Broken someone's heart: i dont think soo LET a few down
Been in love: CANT say i have
Cried when someone died: YES
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: YES haha
Done something embarrassing: OH yea
Done a drug: No
Your Good Luck Charm: idk
Person You Hate Most: ahh right now cant say i hate anyone a lot
Best Thing That Has Happened: uh nothin good has happened latly
Ice Cream: chocolate, chocolate & peanutbutter, and coffee
WHO Makes you laugh the most: kelsey and mary or some guy im talking to
Makes you smile: a couple of guys
Has A Crush On You: idk
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: OF course
Fallen for your best friend?: No
Made out with JUST a friend?: YEs
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You make me smile because... by xLiL PreP1x
Your Laugh .... Makes me laugh
Your Smile ... Brightens up my day
Your eyes ... Are like two diamonds in the rough
Your scent is.... Envied by many
Your lips are... Perfect
Your hair .... Looks great on you
Your friendship .... Is Wonderful
Your hug ... Makes me feel safe
Your kiss ... Always makes me ask for more
Your love .... Entrancing
You ..... are one of a kind!