You Are 69% Grown Up, 31% Kid
Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.
Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.
How Emotionally Mature Are You?♥ One funny story ♥A young woman buys a mirror at an antique shop and hangs it on her bathroom door. One evening while getting undressed she playfully says "Mirror mirror on my door make my bustline 44". Instantly there is a brilliant flash of light n her breasts grow 2 enormous proportions. Excitedly she runs to tell her husband wat happened and in minutes they both return, this time da husband crosses his fingers and says "Mirror mirror on the door make my penis touch da floor". Again theres a bright flash and...his legs fall off!
Graphics & Layouts
♥ "Becareful if u make a women cry God counts her tears?The women came out of mans rib. Not from his feet to be walked on.Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved" ♥
.. - Get Your Own
♥ Me and the love of my life ♥This is the one who can always make me smile, the one who i can be absolutely lazy around and he won't care, the one who i love to spend most of my time with & will love to do the same with me!! He's by my side through eveything that happens (fights with the people & anything else that may come around). The one who i know i can go to running with make-up running down my face and he won't think any less of me. He thinks i'm perfect the way that i am and wouldn't have me any other way, and i wouldn't want him any other way either! I love him with all my heart and will i be there for him through thick & thin loving him with everything i have!!! I ♥ YOU!
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
HOT Myspace Layouts
Your Birthdate: December 31
You don't love lightly. For you, love is always a serious undertaking.
However, you are able to love many types of people. You can bring out the best in almost anyone.
Love surprises you often. You never know when or where you'll find it next.
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 2
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 1
You are most compatible with people born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st of the month.
Graphics & Layouts
.. a style="padding-right:0px;" target="_BLANK"
Funny ones and sracair one too
Your Love Quote
To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best.
What Love Quote Suits You?
HOT Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
You Have Fantastic Karma
You are a kind, sensitive, and giving person.
And all your good deeds will pay off - if they haven't already.
But you're not so concerned with what you get in return anyway.
You have an innate caring nature - and nothing can change that!
How's Your Karma?
Tonjah --
Fetish oriented
'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at QuizUniverse.com