In Memory Of Heather Prince... A True Friend profile picture

In Memory Of Heather Prince... A True Friend

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---------------------------------A Tribute To Heather------------------------------------------ Heather was beautiful and funny and always knew how to get the party started. It doesn't seem fair that she's been taken away from us so suddenly.--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------Heather passed away on the evening of Saturday 22nd September 2007. She was suddenly and tragically taken from us in a split second. Heather was a wonderful person. She was very bright, very bubbly, she was caring and kind and generous and happy and genuine and thoughtful and warm-hearted and considerate and sweet and everything you could possibly want in a friend. Heather was always happy, always smiling. I didnt know Heather as well as many of you on this page did but I knew her well enough to know she was all these things and more and she was treasured by so many people. My thoughts are with her, her family and all of her friends, especially Charlotte, Lisa and Jenna. Every person who knew Heather, however well, has been shocked and shaken by what has happened. She has touched so many people without even realising it which is such a legacy in itself.----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- A Message For Heather: ------------------------------------ Heather, I have no words to describe what has happened in the last few days. I am so sorry you have been taken from us, so sad, so angry, so remorseful, so wishful. I wish I had of got to know you better and not taken your presence for granted. I wish you had of had longer with us. I have many wishes for you but I want you to know how much everybody loves you and misses you. You always made me laugh and you were always so happy, so smiling and those are my memories of you, happy and in love, and that is how you will stay with me. I'm not a religious person, not at all, but at the weekend Sam Cooper said that God always plucks the best flowers for his garden. That is exactly how I think of you because you were beautiful and you were definately the best! I want you to know how loved you were by so many people and how you will be so sorely missed. You were taken from the world way too early but I will never forget you and you will be in my thoughts everyday. I hope wherever you are you are happy and at peace. Sweetdreams, Sleeptight, xxxxx------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- I also hope that everyone that reads this will take a second to think of Steven Hessletine, Heather's boyfriend, who was also in the car with her that night. Hessle, as he is more widely known, is in hospital himself at the moment, very ill. Words cant even describe what he is going through right now as he shares our feelings of loss; more so than most. My thoughts are with him right now and I wish him a speedy recovery. xx ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------Ka yleigh has made this page, not just as a tribute for Heather but also for every person that knew her to leave her messages, to share memories and pictures and just to remember. Please use it and feel free to add whatever you like to this page and send Kayleigh any pictures you have. I want to say a thank you for Kayleigh for setting this page up for Heather. xxx--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- And finally, I wish everyone of you reading this lots of love and strength. Laura xxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Well, as most of you probably know, I grew up with Heather. She was one of the original Toddington Crew. Theres a small group of us that have been mates since we were four. Heather was one of us. In fact, she was one of everybody. She was always seen talking to someone new, or someone you wouldnt expect her to be talking to. But Heather liked everyone.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~To Heather,You know how we were chatting shit when i took you to work the other day? When we were saying they should invent a gun that didnt kill so that you could just shoot everyone that pissed you off, so that they learned a lesson? They should invent a gun that turns back time instead. Then we could laugh about that conversation again and again and again. And we'd laugh so hard that we'd cry and our stomachs would hurt. And everything would be normal again.I keep expecting a text from you, asking for a lift to work. I wish that you would text me and tell me its all been a bad dream and your ok.I wish you were here.I miss you hunny xxxxxxxxx Kayleigh x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And to Hessle, get well soon and remember that I'm only down the road if you need anything babes xxxxxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~To everyone that reads this,Please feel free to add anything you like to this page. It should be an amazing page for an amazing friend.----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------A Poem for Heather----------------------------------------------------- -----What can I say to express our sorrow? You were such a fixture in our lives, I thought we would always have tomorrow. But now we cry, Our tears keep falling, Holding onto each other, it's your name we keep calling. We're so angry, so sad, so helpless and scared, I hope you know that we always cared. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- So ready with a smile, Always greeted with a hug, It may sound cliched, But you really were a gift from above. And now we dont know how to handle the fact that your gone, It happened so quickly, It's all so wrong. You had such a spark, such life, such soul, And now you are gone we will never fill that hole. You were so wonderful, so innocent, so precious & true, It doesn't seem right we have to say goodbye to you. -------------------------------------------------As I write these words i find it so hard to convey, Just how special you are, How your loved in so many ways. I cannot do you justice, I cannot possibly tell, Just how much you touched people and how much they loved you as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Since you left this earth, Only a few short days ago, Your friends have been left devestated, Filled with grief and sorrow. You never had enough time, You should of been able to stay, You shouldn't of been stolen from us, That time should have been far, far away. ------------------------------- So now it comes to the crunch, There's just one thing left to do, now we must, although so hard, say our goodbyes to you. Our heads will think of you, Our eyes will cry for you, Our mouths will whisper your name, Our hands will pray for you, Our hearts will sing for you, And they will do everyday. ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------You will be with us until out dying day, Until we can join you with the angels, Until we can come and play. But until that days comes, You must know what I say is true, Heather, You are so loved, So Missed, So Mourned, It's untrue. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- You have so many friends, Whether you realised it or not, So rest in peace knowing you will never be forgot. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Be happy in heaven, Play in the sky, For whilst you are in our hearts, You will always be close by. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------We miss you sweetheart, and we always will do, so sleeptight now and know we will never stop loving you.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------Wht are we going to do without your jokes, dress-ups nites and bubbly personality. Im still expecting you to come over mine and borrow some clothes for this sat. The Bell was packed by all tht knew you on Sunday and not even the football could put a smile on peoples faces. Southern Comfort and Lemonade will always be your drink.. Ill never forget tht! Even our pretend *Hen-Party* dress up session just so we could get in free at Oxygen will never leave my mind, cnt think how I possibly went to sleep wiv your flashing willy hairband on! Wished we had sorted out a Party for your 20th, would have been a good bash. Atleast now we have the memories of you, ive never scene so any flowers on the side of the road...Its weird when you dirve past to think...Oh thts for Heather. And Hessle of course who I hope makes a full recovery and comes dwn the pub soon. We are all here for youu and theres always going to be someone dwn the Bell tht is gonig to want to see you! Cheers for keeping me company on the faitful night, ill miss you always. Love Helena Benet xx---------------------------------------------------------- -MySpace Background by

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Quotes for Heather

Quotes for Heather I have put together some famous quotes and song lyrics that I feel describe Heather and everything she was as a friend. I'm sure everyone will find one here to relate to. ...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 00:54:00 GMT